Re: full service christians... |
Posted by
the devil
- Friday, June 10 2005, 4:23:17 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Ado wrote: >Sure you can. First check to see who's foot it is. I'm a size ten.`re missing the point..either deliberately or because you can`t afford to see it...YOU may be a wonderful Christian..and exemplary one..but what does that mean? It means you`re a nice guy...for the most part. I contend that there were plenty of nice guys and women before Christ...the fact that you practise cannibalism we`ll just put down to a poor upbringing..that you all consider it to ne a harmless symbol and one of PURE LOVE no less, becomes more problematical, but, personally, are a nice guy who probably wouldn`t starve children to death...but YOU aren`t the main problem..the problem is that Christianity gives certain people..actually the vasy majority, the feeling that they can do no wrong because they are on god`s mission....and whether you help starve children or merely allow other`s to do it, is really not much different. Remember, that this new honesty in lumping you all together came about because Christians lumped all Muslims make it easier to kill ANY of them..regardless of who is good or bad or not too bad and sort of reap what you sow..not YOU personally..but if 600,000 innocent Iraqi children can be put to death by Christians, who never harmed YOU...then you can afford to suffer a very little bit. Take it like a man. Christianity unhinges people who need more careful attention..after 2000 years of "trying" I`m afriad you people can`t ask for more time to get it right, "just be patient and don`t mind the mistakes". These aren`t "mistakes" any longer..this is the DELIBERATE implementation of another, full-blown HOLOCAUST..the last one, a mere 60 years ago, started just as slowly and believe me, there were PLENTY of Christians in it...and defending it...they too said we should not emphasize the few bad Himmler...what can a few sickos do...right? The world and the pople in it simply cannot afford opne more day of Christian rule and depredation..not one more day. --------------------- |
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