Re: having fun with sense |
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- Monday, March 14 2005, 6:26:44 (CET) from - - ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Pancho wrote: >...and a heaven on a cloud does? >>>> Nice joke :) ..thank you. Your religion supplies the material nicely and in great abundance. >>> Glad to be of service,my belief is that people should be able to express themselves,besides imagine if you didn't have this material it would have been like a comic who can't tell jokes :) >...that was easy, wasn`t it? Like I said...we don`t ban people around here..they shut themselves up and then in time take themselves away. >>>> What did you discover??? >>Those who followed Jesus were mostly Jews and even those who weren't Jews were not called Christians then. > one converted to Jesus BUT Jews. It is your fable that people round the world fell all over themselves to join up at just the sound of his name. In the East and to this day, they are all descendants of the Jews who believed Jesus was the Messiah,,,and in the West the people were murdered into Jesus plain and simple. >>>> You see how you mix your ideas,you were the one who was saying the christians were waiting to get to heaven and so on.I didn't say that,all that I said was that at that time those who believed in Jesus's message were not called Christians. ..and Jesus wasn`t a Christian. > >>The first time that the followers of Jesus were called Christians was in Antioch. > >...that didn`t come till almost 100 years latrer...Jesus was a Jew, he wasn`t a Christian. Assyrians did not convert to Christianity..if that is what they claim..they converted to Judaism. >>>>You're the one who brought the word Christian when it didn't exist at the time.I didn't. > >>The word Christ which is Msheekha in Assyrian simply means some one who is annointed with oil. ...that isn`t`s Aramaic. Regardless of its meaning...Jesus was not a floower of himself...he wasn`t much of a folower...except for the Jewish he said he came to fulfill the Law...not break it. But this stuff is as old as cannibalism. > >...that still doesn`t answer the question of why you people had to have him murdered..or no heaven for you. Talk about oily. >>>> We people had him murdered??? You were not kidding when you said you are a jolly fellow. ...that`s right. If someone comes to you with an offer to live in a beautiful mansion in the sky forever and get out of the hellish ghetto called "hell" you`ll inhabit, also for forever...but only if you agree to have a person murdered...would you do it? If you accept that "Jesus died for me"..then you accept. I love your euphemisms...Jesus didn`t "die"...he was executed...MURDERED legally. ...I refuse heaven, immortality and a `56 Chevy convertible too on those grounds. I will NOT benefit from the murder of a`s bad enough I get gas over the dead bodies of Iraqi children, Christians too...but I won`t buy heaven at such a price. >>> If you feel guilty about using the gas then don't drive. >>Even our ancestors the ancient Assyrians > can say it as often as you like...the Assyrians of old are NOT your ancestors..the Jews are. > >>>> I'm as much of a Jew as you're a Muslim. >The ancient Assyrians are my ancestors,I don't go by what you're saying otherwise I would have believed the far fetched bit about cannibalism(that was a riot man :) can believe whatever you want...a person who believes he`ll go live on a cloud forever is obviously not too picky about what he believes...go for it. >>> Even you should know that both concepts are on this earth and once a person is gone it's done and over with and all that is left are memories. >believed in heaven and hell,good and evil and that's why they commemorated year after year the death of Dimuzi and celebrated his rise from hell(death) to heaven(life). ...that`s older than cannibalism...which none of you can bear to face up to. Like I said...we`ve seen you before and each time one of you decides to wade in and give it a re-confirm for the rest of us incredible and indefensible your own beliefs simply shrug and say, "I won`t dignify that with a response"...but we know. And thanks for being one more...and send any others you might have laying around our way. > >...Like you said..these beliefs were common and was kindness and goodness and selflessness...none of these are Christian. The only thing that Christianity brought was the idea of a Messiah, which was Jewish and NEVER Assyrian..that and ritual human sacrifice...which was Hebrew..and cannibalism, vampirism and the idea of the scapegoat..which was literally a baby goat, the cleanest and the purest...on whose unoffending back all the sins of the villagers were placed, another of your "symbolic" idiocies..who was then driven out of the village and into the desert with sticks and stones and nails and hammers..there to die "for the sins of the people"...after which the Hebrews could get back to their fun and games till next year...which is excatly what you people use Jesus for..used him then and use him today...the world is no better for Jesus having lived..all the crimes and uglies have multiplied a thousand fold and most of those were perpetuated by the Church itself over 1000 years of Dark Ages, or by kings and queens using the Church for exactly that reason...people were far more civilized back then as we can see from what they built and created... > >>>> Again you're mixing east with west ... ...I`m not mixing anything and if I were and you knew anything about it yourself you`d be even more glad to correct me than you`ve been the few times you thought you had something. To paragraphs and paragraphs of ideas you barely manage an anemic put-down or think. I`m getting tired of you...sharpen up or go it alone. > >It is a religion of murder...or ritual human sacrifice...of cannibalism and blood...of people learning to take the goods and not ask how they got them. If you do that on earth..if you agree to accept the goods that can come to you ONLY from the murder of an are an accessory to the are all of the people who agree to accespt heaven at such a price...and that`s why they eat flesh and drink join the be partners in the crime. >>>> The above your opinion and you can say whatever you want,it doesn't make it true. ...very bored... > >>>> By the way,do you also hold plastic keys made in Taiwan like the little Iranian children who were sent to their death and told that they would be able to open the door to paradise and enter. about the murder weapon round your neck..or the corpse hanging over your "house of worship" along. >>> There is no corpse in my house of worship,stop trying to pin roman catholicism on me,I don't like them. >Do you also consider carrying chains and hitting oneself until "bleeding"(Ashourah) a part of civlization. mean like Christian "saints" did? Hairshirts and the rest of it..or how about living twenty years atop a pillar...or in a cave...for Jesus? How about those? >>> They were happy to do it,they were the hippies of their time so why not? >>>> About the "being eaten" bit.He said:"This is my body which is given for you,this do in remembrance of me".Then He said:"This cup is the new testament in my blood,which is shed for you".It was a symbolic idea.By the way who told you that the bread and wine turn into flesh and blood in the stomach??? LOL.`re`s your religion and you know next to nothing about the way, YOU don`t know a damn thing he foolish is that? >>> Really I don't ? and you do ...More power to you then.Perhaps your former roman catholics teachers taught you that. >But...there isn`t a Christian alive today who wouldn`t want Jesus dead...especially if they believe the fairy tale Hell their clergy uses over them..and therein is the secret as to why Christianity is the bloodiest scourge the world has ever is a religion based on murder..on a FIRST murder and it requires its folowers to join that approve the crime..and if you learn to accept the benefits that come from killing one innocent man..and they are as profound as everlasting life..why would you stop? Why not take the oily benefits that come fropm murdering innocent Iraqi children too? Why not take the benefits that comes from robbing people of their Enron and the Savings and Loan scandal? You people enshrine such despicable behavior..make a religion of isn`t enough for you that people be good and decent..that won`t get them into heaven...they must agree to be blood criminals first and foremost...and we wonder why Christians are in a constant state of warfare...looking to see where they can "save" people and take the loot. > >>>>1. Your hell thing doesn't work on me. ...boring. >>> It haunts you that some one doesn't think with the narrow mind as some do,and to get away from it you say boring...So be it. >2. If some one claims to be a christian it doesn't mean he is,the same goes for some one who may claim to be Assyrian when he isn't. > 3.Those who commit atrocities no matter what religion they belong to don't represent that religion,and the example of Iraq is so clear,in that those who are killing the innocent aren't sparing their own muslim brothers. -...everyone at every time has killed collaborators...cain killed Abel...remember? Brothers kill sisters all the time. >>> So it's ok for muslims in your opinion to kill each other because Cain and Abel did it.People praying in a mosque are collaborators or those in a funeral? >4.You can pose the last part of your inquiry to the U.S. government and its allies because they're the ones who hold the burden of their crimes and not all christians. ...then the same is true for Islam... >>> I wasn't the one who defended Islam by saying they didn't do any thing.You did. --------------------- |
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