The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: maggie...

Re: maggie...
Posted by Maggie (Guest) - Wednesday, July 13 2005, 4:15:38 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows NT - Internet Explorer
Website title:

" must have had some unusual support as a young girl...anyway, it's all private stuff and we'll just take what you share with us as we go along...merrily."

I had no support at all. But I was determined. When I say it was by the grace of god, I literally mean it. I raised my son by myself, worked, and put myself through school.

The thing that helped me was EDUCATION. It opens all the doors that were closed. I try to impress that on the young kids, because I know no other way. Anyone can do what I did if they believe in themselves. Education helps you believe in yourself, giving you the confidence, the knowledge, the security, and the tools you need to do whatever you want to do.


The full topic:

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