Re: sainty, your wrong again |
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Doped on Jesus Christ
- Friday, October 22 2004, 4:17:00 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Let me introduce to you the Iraqi resistance: Ba'athists, the armed supporters of Saddam Hussein including the Fedayeen Saddam, and some former agents of the iraqi intelligence elements and security services like Mukhabarat and the Special Security organizations Nationlists, mostly Sunni Muslims who fight for the Iraqi independence includes Sunni Arab regions/tribals Sunni, former Iraqi military and ordinary Iraqis. Sunni Islamists, the indigenous armed followers of the Salafi movement Foreign Islamist fighters, largely drive by the similar Sunni Wahabi doctrine, as includes a broad range of religious/ethnic and political currents united by their opposition to the occupation. Although they remants of Ansar al_Islam. Also lets not forget the Muslim Brotherhood. Militant followers of Shittie Islamist cleric Mogtada al-Sadr. Foreign fighters are outside Islamists , including Al-Qaeda, Ansar al-Islam, Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi-Al-Tawhid Wal-Jihad. Non-violent groups that resist the foreign occupation through peaceful means. Apart from the armed resistance, there are important non violent grups that resist the foreign occupation through other means including the National Foundation Congress set up by Shikh Jaws al-Khalisi which also includes a broad range of religious/ethnic and political oppostion groups, trade unions such Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions and Union of the Unemployed and many more Let me know of any that you are not familiar SUBMISSION IS NOT THE ANSWER. --------------------- |
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