Re: shooting pishittas... |
Posted by
St. Me
- Friday, October 22 2004, 7:01:55 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...False rhetoricy wrote: if you shower the slightest attention on them these people pee. Bush stole our own election..he's hardly the liar to promote democracy was lost in America thanks to him.. You must be a religious person eager for an enclave in the MidEast....we have a lot of you pesky critters to contend with. ***Eighty percent of the Arabs in the U.S voted for Bush in 200. Stop with your lies. ...wasn't it the Christian Madeliene Albright who said it was an okay "policy" that was leading to an addmitted 5000 deaths a MONTH of Iraqi children....innocent children....whose parents were supposed to be so grief stricken they would rebel against Saddam? Does that strike you as kind and decent..or even logical? Over a half million innocent children were starved to death or sickened to death....a third as many children as the Christian Nazis murdered...are you preparing to commit another genocide....another Holocaust...this time against Muslims...did your last one against innocent Jews just whet your appetitie? ***Madeline Albright is of Jewish Descent converted to Christian.So she says. She came from the Camps of Nazi Germany. Speaking of Nazi’s I am going to show you how much of a Nazi you are later with your previous posts. In a nation that kicks people off of airplanes for flying while dark..where Sikhs were killed because they "looked" like terrorists... ***It was only one Sikh not plural stupid. all Muslims anywhere are targeted for their's...once again..there was no justification for the war against Iraq..there were no weapons..there was no link to any terror organizations..not even our own intelligence agencies and military have been able to find one...yet that doesn't matter....Muslims are guilty and deserving of death at Christian hands JUST because they are does it feel? **Read the Doulfer report. Go learn Criminal law you criminal so you can understand what intent means. “ is America's Jihad that brought this you people aimed your last Jihad against the Jews...barely 60 years ago when you murdered six million innocent people JUST because of their religion..and YOU are worried that you MIGHT get singled out..for your "faith"? Your faith seems to BE murder!” **I agree with you some what. ...this is still nothing compared with the bombing and destruction of Muslim holy sites...your shit stinks too you know...nothing about you or your country or values gives you any edge over another human..if anything you people are rapidly sinking in your own rot. ***there have been no bombing of Holy sites what so ever. You are a pathological liar who is trying to advance your hate on anybody who believes in your smack. I feel sorry for Jeff and Taglath. The Saint --------------------- |
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