Re: they don`t stop... |
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- Tuesday, June 7 2005, 18:09:58 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
this is Ken Doll`s tactic of choice....if the Christians anywhere can be made miserable cutting off their water supply, he, KenDoll, can ride in to the rescue with his Japanese blazing...and then maybe they`ll be ready for "his Lord", so grateful for a drink of water. You know damn well there was no work for Joseph in Iraq BEFORE the know no one there was interested in his evangelizing ass. Just as all the evengelical sons of bitches, these people ride into town on a tank...they do NOT walk with sandals on..they come behind the tread of marching boots. There`s only one problem...Christians have to be "softened up" as isn`t only Muslims the Americans had to render "ready to hear the Lord"...desperate now and fearful...and realizing that KenDoll represents Bush AND god..or maybe they`re one and the same...Ken hopes Christians will convert to Christianity..which is a lot safer than trying to convert Muslims or he comes "to do good works" among them. They aren`t fooled at all..not one bit. This is exactly how Christianity was "spread" all the other times...there were NO mendicant friars walking around wooing people with Jesus..what an insult! There were armies who needed to control a subject population and this religion of "peace" and "meekness"...for the people that a great aid in the occupation and KEEPING of conquered lands..hell, do it long enough..."teach" it to children long enough and you`ll even get the descendants of those people you murdered initially and raped and stole the children from (orphans anyone?)...thanking your murderous Christian ass for it. Had the eastern Christians managed to get an army at their Tiglath pointed out they tried to do with Gengis Khan...they too would have been "evangelising" those whom the Mongols conquered. It`s so fucking obvious it hurts. --------------------- |
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