Sam I AM |
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- Friday, July 15 2005, 5:54:40 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Here's an exerpt from my Sam, my (son's old blog.) Drug Companies Getting Away With Murder The unusual amount of children with autism is creating a stir world wide among parents. The cases stem from what some in the field are calling a "genocidal policy" of drug companies and governments in bed with each other. Outraged parents are filing injury lawsuits due to vaccines from these companies. One of the most notable is the MMR (measles mumps rubella) vaccine. The drug created such controversy in Japan that it has been banned due to the number of lawsuits. (Guess who signed a bill outlawing any such lawsuits from taking place in this country last year?). Indeed, doctors and journalists alike are claiming malpractice by these drug companies, and the loss of revenue has not gone unnoticed. Dozens of user friendly web sites show show studies claiming there is no link between autism and the MMR vaccine. The web sites always have the endorsement of some professor or expert in the field. Scotland Sunday, an internet media outlet reported one such case. Professor David Elliman, whose study said fears of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism were unfounded, admitted that he and DR Helen Bedford had been given money by drugs giants SmithKline Beecham and Pasteur Merieux Merck Sharp & Dohme. Their report, MMR Vaccine - Worries Are Not Justified, is published in the current issue of the medical journal Archives of Disease in Childhood, and was used by the government to reiterate its view that the vaccine is safe. The relationship between the vaccine regulators and the drug companies that produce the drugs is getting tighter. According to Dr. John Martin, " the regulatory authorities are controlled by and depend on the industry, and so, industry growth, if you want, calls the shots." Doctors are urged by these agencies to prescribe medications and vaccinations. Also, investigative reporter Jon Rappoport discovered that the scientists approving pharmaceuticals from drug companies are coming from these very companies. "They go back and forth. They go to the FDA for the prestige, then go back to corporate for the money." He claims that doctors are now prescribing an average of 40 vaccinations to children before they hit kindergarten age. The vaccines contain such neuro toxins as aluminum and mercury. According to Rappoport, 40 of these vaccinations lead to "one hundred and twenty times the hazardous level for the body of a child." This, scientists are discovering, is the major cause for the autism explosion. Doctors and journalists alike are reporting that now one in every three children in the U.S. have a form of autism. Honorary U.S. Autism Ambassador Dr. Leonard Horowitz testified before the U.S. Government Reform Committee. "The greatest risk to homeland security is being generated by the radical white collar terrorists we have directing political and public health policies. They use fear to command compliance with back-room shady dealings that put deadly agendas and profits before people while neglecting the scientific facts." It seems natural medicine is the way to go these days. The pharmaceutical drug companies (80% controlled by Rockefeller), a trillion dollar a year industry, would publicly claim that these alternative medicines do not work, and that mainstream science is the only light at the end of the tunnel. Dr. Horowitz has a letter that he wrote to the FDA on his web site,, refusing a request by the FDA for him to stop promoting natural cures. In recent years, however, alternative medicine has had astounding success, eating into 50% of the major drug companies' profits. Now these same companies have changed their tune, and have started to release these medicines. The corruption of obviously bogus drugs still continue however. Rappoprt reported in 2003 that the pressure for FDA scientists to approve a return on a large drug companies' investment is too great. "Noone wants to be the guy that didn't give the go ahead." Since the power of the pharmaceutical industry has grown to gigantic proportions in the U.S., it is unlikely the companies will stop this practice. After signing a ban on class action suits last Thursday, president Bush publicly threw his support for medical lawsuits, and stated that would "be next." February 21, 2005 | Permalink | Comments (0) Bush's War On Drug Questions The New York Times ran a story on Saturday concerning President Bush being secretly recorded in 1998 by friend and spiritual adviser Doug Wead. The Times received nearly all recordings from Wead, and ABC News received excerpts as well. The tapes consist of Bush candidly talking about his upcoming presidential campaign, and his past with drug use. The Times incidentally ran the story at a time when Bush was no where near the continent for comment about the Wead tapes, and quoted some candid remarks to "Weady," or "Weadnik" about homosexuals, drugs, and how he really hates then presidential candidate, Steve Forbes. Bush blasted future president Al Gore about his admitting drug use in the past, before he went on to admit drug use in the past. Responding to why he refused to answer questions about his using marajuana, he said, "I don't want some little kid doing what I tried." White House officials do not deny the authentication of the tapes from an expert the New York Times hired to analyze. I managed to contact Mr. Bush for comment on the tapes, and he has agreed to be taped. I was flattered that he would want to be interviewed by me, and was truly impressed by how many nick names he could turn the name "Sam" into. On the condition that he give the name of our conversation for print, Mr. bush agreed to the recording. The following is an excerpt from "Talking to Sama lama ding dong", with president bush, a phone conversation he gave in Brussels on 02-20-05. Sam: Thank you for your candid interview regarding these tapes, Mr. president. GWB: Anything to get away from these faggy French. Sam: Yes Sir. My first question is this. While leading the charge against anything French, in between meals prepared by your French chef, were you aware that the first bombing of the war went zero for fifty in its military targets? GWB: Pass. Sam: Sorry? GW.B: Do you mind if I do a line of coke? Sam: I'm sorry, Mr. president, this is an interview. GWB: Can't get enough of that coke! Sam: I understand. Lets talk about your warm remarks about your faith in God in the tapes. Critics say that you only use God for political reasons. What do you say to those who argue that you never used God when talking about gay marriage, or abortion rights in your presidency, and only mention God when talking about your Iraqi policies and your White House agendas. (pause) GW.B: The extent of the issues certainly invoke God's name because of the infrequent time allotted for the Iraqi people by Saddam to partake in their own religious activities. Sam: I don't even know what that meant. You certainly sound different than you did a minute ago. Is this Vice President Cheney? (pause) GWB: No. Sam: OK, fair enough. Next question. If you- GWB: Hi. It's me again Sam: Hi. I was just going to ask about your past with drug use, concerning the tapes. Conspiracy researchers had a field day when authorities found the private phone number of your father, Bush Sr., in the pocket of drug smuggler Barry Seal when he was shot and killed. What response do you give to Mr. Seal shopping a tape around to media outlets that allegedly had you and your brother Jeb buying cocaine at a Miami airport. Mr. Seal did die shortly after he began shopping this tape around. GWB: I think that is a valid question. Look at the cocaine that Saddam's son was using in their oppression of Iraq. It just goes to show how free the Iraqi people are now that he and his father are out of power. Sam: But that wasn't.. GBW: It's a great thing. Let me..let me ask you something. You... this is boring. Ask me some fun questions, like that guy who asks what turns you on, and that stuff. Sam: But.. GWB: Go ahead (laughs). Ask me. Sam: OK. What's you favorite word? GWB: Well, if I had to pick just would probably be...Anheuser Bush. (Dick Cheney Laughs in the background.) Get it?! Anheuser Bush!! End of tape. --------------------- |
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