Shalom Chavarim |
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- Friday, July 8 2005, 19:47:15 (CEST) from - - ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
A Hebrew Hymn I learned in Choir when I lived in Germany. In Honor of my German teacher Frau Heger who taught all of us this song in memory of all the innocent Hebrews who died in the HOLOCOST. I loved this song so much as a young girl, and now I know why, because it was in my language. Hebrew is derived from Akkadian just like Aramaic. We are all one people, even our God is the same God. Allah, God, Ashur, Yahweh, are all different names for the same infinite being. Let's stop this insanity. God, Allah, Ashur, Yahweh, WILL NOT LET YOU DIVIDE IRAQ. NO ONE CAN DIVIDE THAT HOLY LAND. Let’s live in peace together. Let’s call for the HUMAN RIGHTS FOR ALL THE PEOPLE OF IRAQ AND THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD! Chaldeans and Ashurians can live in peace with the Kurds. They are our brothers, and we welcome them into our home. Help stop this insanity! We cannot kill all the people of the world because we don’t have the characters to create peace. WellFed BUILD YOUR CHARACTER so you can stand between anyone. Your low self esteem will kill our children! SHALOM CHAVERIM. Shalom, chaverim! Shalom! Peace, friends! Peace! Erev tov, chaverim! Erev tov! Peace, friends!Peace! Lehit ra'ot! Lehit ra'ot! Until we meet again! Until we meet again! Shalom chaverim! Shalom! Peace, friends! Peace! Baruch Ata Adonai, Blessed are You, Eternal One our G-d, Eloheynu Melech haolam, Universal Presence, Sheh bara haolam, Who created the world, Sheh bara haolam. Who created the world. Baruch Ata Adonai! Blessed are You, Eternal One our G-d. Shalom, chaverim! Shalom! Peace, friends! Peace! Erev tov, chaverim! Erev tov! Good evening friends! Good evening! Lehit ra'ot! Lehit ra'ot! Until we meet again! Until we meet again! Shalom, chaverim! Shalom! Goodbye, friends! Goodbye! Baruch Ata Adonai, Blessed are You, Eternal One our G-d, Eloheynu Melech haolam, Universal Presence, Hatov v'hamehtiv, Who is good and who gives goodness, Hatov v'hamehtiv. Who is good and who gives goodness. Baruch Ata Adonai. Blessed are You, Eternal One our G-d. --------------------- |
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