Shushan and the Clapp.... |
Posted by
- Saturday, June 25 2005, 0:07:10 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |'s almost impossible to get rid of either of them. No sooner is the ink barely dry on her latest farewell note than she pops up again! Re: to this scared (anonymous?) character -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Shushan on 24 Jun 2005 23:18:16: As an answer to: Re: to this scared (anonymous?) character written by Yves M on 24 Jun 2005 15:28:56: And to the ahole on insideassyria, ..let me guess...this is your NONE Christian side...right? I left this forum for 3 weeks, and the ahole Reader still harassed me in his next article and your mocks are what bring me back to defend myself.. call THIS "defense"????? Why not hand two hatchets to the man bashing you with a hammer and call that INSURANCE??? and as for your saying I said I was insane... I said you people are emotionally distressing me for months with lies, attacks 5 a day over there, and dozens of anonmice here, ... I am saner than you you old coot... ...oh DEFIITELY! look at your rantings on and insane hate of christians, jews and americans.. ..I don't hate them...I MOCK them! your not letting go of a decades old grudge on a couple of Assyrians that pits you against all Assyrians... grudge at I said, the boys and YOU do more than half my work for me...I am eternally grateful to you all. the way you twist the truth and the way you have harassed other women besides me with vulgarity, lies and mocks and stating that you want to drive them into the ground and over the edge. ...that's true...anything to get them out of our face! .. you mr. insideassyria and your goons from ado to the reader can go to hell.. keep harassing, for one day someone is going to use it as evidence against you all!!!! ...bullshit. I told you you were nuts. There isn't anything in these MOCKS to sue over...are you crazy?....ahem. --------------------- |
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