So-Fisticated! |
Posted by
- Friday, June 24 2005, 9:48:39 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...remember all the boy pundits? The ones who told each other that the other guy wasn't politically saavy? Remember them? Remember how they assured us all that the Sanctions and War on Iraq were desperately needed and called for even by Christians in Iraq...remember? remember how they dredged the news to tell us of ANY Christian molested in any way or killed by dastardly Muslims...remember??? Remember their soothing assurances about how Uncle Sam would protect and guarantee their rights..and the letters they wrote, the fawning, ass kissing letters to anyone they thought might be able to "help them"...remember? And thousands of Christians have been killed by CHRISTIANS...several more are missing or wounded...over 50,000 Christians have left the country and never want to all the boys will never return...the Kurds are near allies of the United States and look as if they'll be the ones to get triangles..while the Shiia are now the MAJORITY and are the more extreme and least likely to insist on secular law...and Christians women have to wear hoods and students can't picnic or listen to Western music...AND no more liquor stores!!! And the boys will now say..."how were we supposed to know we would be BETRAYED??? They are traitors to themselves, to their people, to the land of BetNahrain...and it all started when they betrayed Ashur...sold him down the river for a Jew god because HE promised them eternal damnation. --------------------- |
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