Strange days indeed..... |
Posted by
- Friday, June 24 2005, 12:22:45 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...Dear Ken, my responses follow. Dear David, As per your request I just talked with Yako about your questions. He said "Absolutely there was no kind of American involvement in the bombings of the Churches. Those who would say that must have been working with Saddam. The Americans have made many mistakes but there is no plan to control Iraqs oil by the CIA etc." ....I believe that Yako said that as much as i believe that YOU wrote 8 Japanese books, which is a little more than I believe that YOU consulted Islamic scholars to determine that the word infidel from the Koran refers to Christians. As I promised I ran each of them by him. ....Now even if the CIA really aren't actively supporting fundamnetalist and/or contractors to blow up our churches and Shiite mosques hoping to initiate a civil war and extend their mandate in Iraq and secure it's oil the fact remains that the Americans according to the Hague convention are directly responsible for every crime that is committed during their occupation. According to the Hague Convention the occupying power is responsible for the stability and safety of the occupied civilians under its care. There has been a clear policy by the occupying power, the US, and hence UK and Australia, to destabilise and even promote civil war within Iraq. This has been done to not only justify its continued occupation but to extend their mandate as long as possible. This destabilising policy was apparent in the following US policies: a. The sacking of the entire army/police force during the first week of the war. b. The securing of the Oil Ministry while Iraq's cultural and governmental centres where looted and burnt. This included the looting of countless ancient Assyrian artifacts. c. The removal of any credible border guards from Iraq's borders. d. Bush's challenege to all Islamic fundamentalists to "bring 'em on." e. A secret policy to arrest then abuse as many Iraqis as possible, most of them innocent, in the hope that they will support the insurgents upon release. Your friend, .....With friends like these. Ken --------------------- |
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