Posted by
Ashur Beth-Shlimon
- Friday, June 24 2005, 20:43:30 (CEST) from - adsl-68-255-38-238.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Dear all: It is good to see what you are doing, I am glad that you are still around keeping your Web Site . Shlame to all of you and I hope you good luck, and I will end my personal message with these lovely words that make me haoppy, I hope will make you happy too! V I V A ASSYRIA / TEKHE ATHUR L'3ALMEEN Ashur Beth-Shlimon ________________________________________ Khzeran 24, 6755 / June 24, 2005 --------------------- |
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