Way to go, Dalale! |
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- Tuesday, June 21 2005, 7:02:25 (CEST) from - d14-69-71-30.try.wideopenwest.com ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Way to hand Mr. Aprim his balls in a to go container. Sorry for the visual, but you really got him good with this post. ............................./ Dalale wrote: >Frederique right? > >Who the hell are you or anyone to tell "certain" Christian populations of northern Iraq, and force them to profess to YOUR TYPE of "Assyrianism"? They are more Assyrian then you, but would rather choose their own ways. DEMOCRACY you said right? Well then why are you forcing them???? God help the children of Assyria from selfish Tyrants! > >"These" people you say. How nice of you to call us "Chaldeans" "people". It's almost as if you are referring to us as second class, ha? Isn't that what you claim the Muslims are doing to you? Well you know Fred, what goes around comes around! > >Yes, we "Chaldeans" insist and will insist until you get off their back. If you are SO BRAVE, why don't you go try to convert "Chaldeans" in IRaq??? YEs we Lived in the heartland of AsSYRIA...and we are Assyrians, maybe even more Assyrian then you ever dream of being. I remember how you look, you look nothing like an Assyrian! I mean isn't the game that most "Assyrians" play. Let's convert the "Chaldeans" and then tell them your not "really" Assyrian, we are just using you for your numbers, and you are really nothing just second class. Though they do have much more assets! > >Go try to take Alqosh from Alqoshniye. It's not that these people don't want to be called Assyrians. They have been living in a country where they are lucky to still be alive, and you want to go force an IDENTITY on them which they don't know what to do with!!!! When that movement forced them, putting posts in Alqosh, the people there have become more "Chaldean." And who is to blame? People like you, because you do not know anything about Democracy, or free will, or IDENTITY. We have Alqoshniye who know their Identity as Assyrian, my father being one of them, and they have worked for that name selflessly. Who the hell are you to come and talk in such a way about "Chaldeans". COme to Detroit and say it live. > >Go to Alqosh and try to convert them to your ideals, and see what they will do to you. They will skin you alive! For some reason you people have not been able to win thes "Chaldeans" over, and I know the exact reason why. When "Chaldeans" start calling themselves "Assyrians", you say they are not the "real" Assyrians. You want to use their numbers, and Jamo is up to his own tricks, and probably smarter then you could ever be, and he will put you in his pocket...any day! > >Now...I may not like either sides, because I see where this situation is going, and I see a lot of people being killed unessarily, for what? For you to be satisfied with yourself? > >From my point of view, None of you truly care about the Assyrian Umta, you don't even know what that is. You have no confidence even in your own identity, and you want to pass your identity complex on others! No thanks! You people are selfish people, who only care about your own "seats" and your pockets. > >If something happens to those Christians left in Iraq, it will be because of ridiculous articles like yours. You don't know what UNITY is, you don't know what National Unity is, you are dictators, you cant even comprehend the depth of the term IDENTITY. You just want to use the "Chaldeans" numbers, and they know this, and are not about to stand for it. You would kill the whole world for an "Assyria", which even if it was to come into existence would be nothing like the Assyria which existed long ago, and YOU WOULD PROBABLY NEVER RETURN TO THE HOMELAND. This "nationalism" of yours, is just a hobby. WE "Chaldeans" as you call us, SPEAK THE LANGUAGE BECAUSE IT IS OURS. You cant play these games and also claim like that last article on Zinda, that since "Chaldeans" don't claim to be "Assyrian", we must have killed all the Assyrians. That is the most discusting twisting of history I have ever heard of! And you people call Jamos thoughts "evil"! Yes, anyone who doesn't follow your commands is "evil." You people are going to get those poor Christians left in Iraq killed. > >Learn from real Democratic people, real Humanitarians, people who have studied the terms IDENTITY and UNITY. LEAVE THE "CHALDEANS" alone. It is their right to chose whatever they want to do. YOU CANNOT FORCE PEOPLE to take on your personality, and why the hell would they want to ...I cant blame them. > > > >...you are a fool. > >Assyrian nationalists are struggling to convince certain Christian population of northern Iraq to profess to their Assyrianism. These people insist that they are Chaldeans despite the fact that they lived, and continue to live, in the heartland of Assyria for millenniums, speak a mixture of Assyrian Akkadian and Aramaic language, use the Aramaic script, and share family ties, culture, custom, and religion with their Nestorian Assyrian brethrens. As if that is not enough, these few ultra liberal Assyrian voices wish and dream to bring completely different people into the Assyrian fold to create complications to the Assyrian national question that Assyrians are for sure better off without. That in itself puzzles me the most because we all know that it is simply impossible and incomprehensible any way we look at it unless Assyria as a country was born and its structure for a civil, democratic, modern, and advanced society established. Until then, this issue must be folded and tucked away because only those naïve and struck by lighting could envision Arabs and Kurds professing Assyrianism under today's circumstances. > >...you must be worried. > > >Fred Aprim >June 15, 2005 >http://www.zindamagazine.com --------------------- |
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