Wilfred responds |
Posted by
- Sunday, June 5 2005, 7:01:13 (CEST) from - 203-166-244-78.dyn.iinet.net.au ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
[Personal Remarks of Wilfred Bet-Alkhas, Not of Zinda Magazine] Dear David, As any reader of Zinda Magazine and a valuable member of our Zinda Crew you are welcome to submit an article. I do understand that you harbor anti-American sentiments toward the occupation of Iraq, yet I do not understand why and do not agree that such animosity should be directed toward an Assyrian who has vocally asked for an autonomous area and the protection of the Assyrian Christians in Iraq. I have followed Rev. Joseph to meetings in Washington D.C. and have seen him at work. He may have many shortcomings, but his love for our people is not questionable. To accuse someone of working for the CIA ‘against the Assyrians’ is not a statement that should be entered in the pages of Zinda Magazine unless it is backed by solid evidence. Rev. Joseph works with the Japanese government and is on the staff of several official Japanese churches and humanitarian groups. If inconclusive, your remarks will place Zinda Magazine in a legal position whereby we must defend ourselves against the U.S. government, the Japanese government, and several official groups in Japan. The ramifications of this act will continue to impact other Assyrian people and political parties, the AUA specifically, since Rev. Joseph was at times financially supported by officials of the Assyrian Universal Alliance. This will also impact Zinda Magazine, as we worked closely with Rev. Joseph while he was stationed in Baghdad before and during the liberation of Iraq. When we must be spending our limited resources on uniting our forces here and in Iraq, facing such diversions will only harm me personally, Zinda Magazine, and many other Assyrian groups. What I fear the most is that you will also leave Rev. Joseph vulnerable to anti-American violence perpetrated by the kidnappers and terrorists in Iraq as he is preparing to leave for Baghdad soon. I’m sure none of us would like to see a fellow Assyrian harmed because of an accusation printed in the pages of Zinda Magazine. I’m sure that you understand Zinda Magazine’s position. Nevertheless, I look forward to your response and your article at which time I will make my decision. Wilfred Bet-Alkhas Editor Zinda Magazine p.s. I am not familiar with the ‘assyrianactivitsts’ yahoo group. I am taking the liberty to send this message to this membership as I noticed that they were cc’d on Mr. Chibo’s email. I apologize in advance if anyone associated with this group receives this email and does not appreciate my remarks. --------------------- |
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