a few things to remember.... |
Posted by
- Friday, June 24 2005, 8:54:09 (CEST) from - 24-205-227-160.ata-cres.charterpipeline.net ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
..no one...and I mean NO one ridicules these people more than themselves...they are an embarrassment everywhere they open their mouth but by banning anyone who holds a mirror up to them, they have managed to escape detection and scrutiny. I wish the hell they WEREN'T so damn ridiculous...but there you have it. As for the self-loathing part..that is lifted directly from observations I made starting a few years ago...before that NOOOOONE used that phrase. It first became apparent to me that they were shot through with self-hatred because they kept referencing a Jew whenever we wanted to talk about Assyrians...they apologized for their savage ancestors and were EVER so glad they turned Jew themselves...so what do you call a Jew who is GLAD he no longer believes in a Jew god? Do you call him a PROUD JEW? I don't think so...and that certainly isn't what other Jews would call him...so why the fuck are we expected to believe and swallow the notion that an Assyrian who DENIES the Assyrian god is MORE of an Assyrian than any Assyrian today who reveres Ashur still...and, further, is MORE of an "Assyrian" for believing in a JEW GOD??? This is as good a definiton of self-loathing as you can get. What WE hate is you Christians getting your slime all over Ashur. Work your side of the street and let us work ours..you went for a Jew God and a Jew carpenter so lay OFF with the "we are Assyrians" bullshit!!! Go all the way...get your heads circumcised and be done with it. ...and the answer to your question about the assyrianconvention name is easy to answer..if you people can call yourselves "Assyrians" when there isn't a single reason why you should...Kris can use assyrianconvention when it has NOTHING to do with any Assyrian convention. His name, and YOURS, mean absolutely nothing. --------------------- |
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