The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> ah..the life of late I lived...

ah..the life of late I lived...
Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Saturday, July 16 2005, 16:22:45 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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...seems grair's life has taken a turn he hadn't counted on...never mess with an Assyrian...never.

I dont give a ....

...temper temper...remember Mother.


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by jacob grair on 16 Jul 2005 09:22:42:

You know what. I would rather talk shit about my own family and my fiance than to have them come out of your mouth or finger tips.

...will you lookit the guy? This is indeed a most devout sooner do I mention payback for what THEY did but he's ready to talk dirt about his OWN loved's that for jumping out of your own skin.

My friend. Have you ever seen that movie The Usual Suspects.

...let me ask you straight you do anything else besides watch television? You seem to relate to the world through Hollywood.

Check that movie out. See what the turk did in that movie, than youll know what I mean.

...good Lord!!! I've made a TURK out of a Christian!!! are my BEST pal.

Im never gonna change my family name because of you. And my girl will bust on you worse than you could imagine.

...I guess she'll have sure ain't gonna do it. Hell no, you're gonna bust on HER!!!

So if that makes me a chickenshit. Than you must be the shit that came out of the chicken.

...tsk,tsk...Mommy dearest?

...I love your poweful finishes...the thrilling climax you manage to pull off at the end...may your wedding night come close...or do you need some help there as well?

...okay...I expect you to start trashing your finance soon...or I will.

...and the next time I threaten to throw you out a window...spare me and jump out yourself.


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