...and ANOTHER THING...!!! |
Posted by
- Monday, June 6 2005, 22:39:03 (CEST) from - reverse. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Re: AssyrianConvention.com: new image entitled, "De Khol" Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum Written by reality is a illusion on 06 Jun 2005 05:35:08: As an answer to: Re: AssyrianConvention.com: new image entitled, "De Khol" written by reality is an illusion on 06 Jun 2005 05:16:23: oh, I forgot to add another example of losing contact with reality... one post your master pancho posts that NOBODY today can claim to be Assyrian and of that ancient lineage, and then the next post, he goes on about how he and his fart, Damn I mean art, are Assyrian... but I guess if you gotta sell it, you might as well hijack a heritage... just too bad it is one that you otherwise deny exists... except when you have a cold beer and think that the gas coming up is some profound philosophy. So lets add to his latest rant about Assyrians flipflopping on being Assyrian, that either he is cunning to flip it off to deny Assyrians and flop it on to promote his art by the ONLY Assyrian. And, may I add that he said that if you believe in Jesus then you can't be Assyrians for the ancient ones did not... then why does he go on and on, when he is not denying Assyrians exist today that is, that Muslims in Iraq are more Assyrian than the Christian ones... so Mohammed who believed in the same stuff as the Jews and believed all the Christian stuff except the resurrection, savior/god and trinity stuff.. and then took the CHRISTIAN ANGEL Gabriel and had him dictate the Kuran to him. So no disrespect to Islam, but just to make a point of how full of youknowwhat pancho is... then since Gabriel is a Jewish and a Christian Angel, and he dictated the Kuran to Mohammed, then shouldn't pancho also be constantly spewing the same hate and bigotry and comments about them loosing touch with reality as he and you do about Christians. You are a bunch of hypocrites, spinning things that you don't even really believe just to be jackasses and get petty revenge on people becasue a couple of them said something you did not like once... kind of like the same way you guys start your rants and articles on people on forums... and his psychosis is spreading to both his followers like you and his victims.... seek help! --------------------- |
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