at least this one can spull |
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- Monday, June 6 2005, 2:47:58 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
[ View Thread ] [ Post Response ] [ Read Prev Msg ] Re: Damn kurdish!!!!! Posted By: Ashur Giwargis ( Date: Sunday, 5 June 2005, at 7:11 p.m. In Response To: Damn kurdish!!!!! (S E T of Chicago) Kurds are working for their interest. Until now we didn't work to get a official aknowledgement from the UN as a "Indeginous People". All our problems will be solved when we do it. multiplying, never ending and CONTINUOUS problems will NEVER end..for you`ll create new ones whenever there`s the slightest chance of that now, when you claim this will solve your, no...ALL YOUR PROBLEMS! Does that mean no more Viagraa..just joshing. ..about this indigenous thing...The United Nations, whom you sometimes like..says itself that any people who are in possession of land for 400 years are indigenous..therefore the Kurds are indigenous...your claim that as "Assyrians" you are even OLDER fools no one..the United Nations accepts your version of yourselves only AS CHRISTIANS..they know, we all know, there is absolutely no truth and no evidence that shows you are the ORIGINAL , pre-Christian Assyrians..NO ONE gives you that title..they just play along with your Christian business... Save haven, federalism, and independent state in the future ... while in fact we are still recognizing the so-called "kurdstan" because "Idan khut kipela" !! ...reeshokhun khut kipeli...istokhon goo shmayila... ...Kurdistan is recognized because it is THERE..and you aren`t. None of you will fight for all ran out REMEMBER? The Kurds have been fighting for centuries to hold onto and expand their lands...and if they have done it successfully, then it is THEIRS. Your numbers of Christians were NEVER enough to do a thing about it..for all your stories of millions and millions..if that`s even true..what makes you think thousands and thousands of you won`t be killed this time? The truth is that those Christians who deicded to stay in Iraq and who still wish to do so, are NOT the ones calling for all this bullshit..all they want is to live their lives in peace WITHOUT you assholes trying to get them killed for the AUA or Dadeeshoo. ..all this hyperventilating won`t`ll do even worse this election..then you`ll come back saying.."it`s never too late, let`s finally UNITE for the next election"! Whassamtter...not going to reach your quota for this month? --------------------- |
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