ban abortion!!! NOW!!!! |
Posted by
- Friday, November 5 2004, 19:48:56 (CET) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...beat them to it. We should all work and pray for an early ban on abortion...and all abortionists should be shot. No more birth control allowed either...and let's take away ALL taxes from the rich and settle the entire burden on the poor...and let's not build them housing, like who does...but more than that...let's pass laws to RAISE their rents AND make homelessness a crime...then let's bring god into the classroom until we get rid of science and are left praying for everything we used to work at...let's do all of this fast..real fast, so we can give these people what they think they want...let's see how long it takes them to BEG us to go back into "opposition". The secret is that there IS no opposition to the Corporate Roller Coaster...there's only a slight argument about how best to squeeze the most the fastest out of the largest segment of the American population...that's all our "politics" amount let's strip the mask...dump the Front and go all the way to hell. We couldn't make Osama happier. --------------------- |
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