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=> dangerous heroes...

dangerous heroes...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, December 6 2004, 19:35:59 (CET)
from - Commercial - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
Website title: one and nothing is more destructive to the remaining Christians of Iraq than the boys here in the West. Out of sheer desperation for results...or better appearances at least, they're now claiming that Christians running for their lives to the north are going there to "defend" themselves. If they were going to defend themselves why would they first run? Why not make the stand where they are? one and nothing is more destructive to the remaining Christians of Iraq than the boys here in the West. Out of sheer desperation for results...or better appearances at least, they're now claiming that Christians running for their lives to the north are going there to "defend" themselves. If they were going to defend themselves why would they first run? Why not make the stand where they are? The Americans are unable to protect themselves let alone any Christians...even after a year and a half, things are more dangerous now than they ever were...and at THIS time Christians are going to take up arms and the north no less?

In this account ( at aina) two Christians are praised for "taking action". In both cases the men were defending themselves from attack...a reasonable enough response...same thing the Iraqis are doing...they were NOT going out on the was not the beginning of a counter-attack...just desperate attempts to stave off the inevitable in which one man was killed, no mention of what happened to his family left behind.

It must always be kept in mind that the ones praising this sort of militant "courage" all ran away themselves and are safely in the West trying their best to get Christians of Iraq odd as it sounds, that's all their rhetoric has achieved...not a one of them has an idea or a care to make those people safe where they are...or to get them out...instead they come up with scenario after scenario for them to fight move here and there....wild plans to form a militia and send it arm themselves...and while this fellow doesn't want to be specific and state which region his "hero" hails from...for fear of retaliation, I guess..he and the rest of them see no problem with identifying ALL the Christians of Iraq as a potential fifth column within the nation as a whole...thereby making each and every Christian a potential target....getting the innocent killed right along with those who might be thinking of fighting back...which was the same thing that led to the wholesale revenge against the people of Simele when those who did the actual shooting ran or were "protected" by their own...when you don't know who is individually responsible...the next best thing is to take them ALL out.

There is one thing you can be sure of..there IS no 1500 man "army" marching north to fight anybody. There are people fleeing the cities who would just as soon get out of the country entirely...only the boys want them to stay put to at least get "martyred" if nothing else. It would seem that claiming they are all going north to take up arms and add their weight to the force of the Americans murdering Iraqis is a sure way of getting them all killed...martyred if you prefer..and in a sense they ARE being martyred, not by Muslims but by their own.

The person who passes the death sentence is not necessarily the one to execute. The boys are frantic to get our people in positions where they can be executed...that's the length and depth of their national "aspirations"...without that, they have nothing...with that..with the massacre of thousands of their own people, there is at least "a chance". What ability can't do, pity might achieve.

Where else did these boys learn that through "sacrifice" and the execution of the Innocent...good times will come? Where else but the Jewish religion that has separated them from their souls and brought them to the brink of extermination? Where else but in the totally foreign religion of Christianity? How can anyone deny what Ashur did for us..and what Christ has done TO us?


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