democracy in REAL action |
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- Tuesday, March 8 2005, 15:15:45 (CET) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
..Peter removed the post that asked for fair-play in dealing with Iraqi Muslims...but of course he`s left all the replies up that slammed the post...this is exactly the kind of "democracy" these dweebs would impose on any triangle`s his, therefore, brilliant and "unanswerable" reply...not because of any merit it has but because he`ll simply block any answers to it...go Christians!!! Re: This is ridiculous Posted By: Peter BetBasoo <> ( Date: Sunday, 6 March 2005, at 11:51 a.m. In Response To: Re: This is ridiculous (Alfred Alkhas) I have given you references to refute your characterization of the Crusades. You have not answered that, instead you deflect the argument now by making ad hominem remarks on my dialectic method. ...I can easily answer for him...but then my response would be gone as well. If this fellow HAD answered, Peter would have removed the who`s kidding whom? Peter has a mountain of things he hasn`t been able to answer...but then he pays the bill so it`s HIS kind of democracy..and they deserve each other...people wishing for intellectual freedom wouldn`t be at aina...and that isn`t what they`re there for..they`re there for the comfort a few hotheads brings...for body-heat and some vague notion that they "represent" something since they all have the same delusion. ...Peter has a better vocabulary than most...but he doesn`t understand the words he who`s going to know any better at THAT place? "Ad Hominem" means to put more cereal in your milk...but it`s Latin so Peter likes to flash it around. I do not wish to engage in that. Your idea of what the Crusades were has been shaped by the Left, Islamic spin on the Crusades, the anti-Christian spin on the Crusades, and Christian apologists who are incognizant of the real history of the Crusades. ..and Peter IS cognizant...if there were unbiased and dispassionate sources who were NOT of the Right etc...Peter would have used them..the truth is there for all to read...the Crusades were far more bloody and brutal than is addmitted in polite society and NO ONE wants to deal with the nasty little fact that they murdered their way across Europe before ever seeing Palestine...robbed and raped fellow Christians OR that they attacked Byzantium INSTEAD and murdered the Christians there..and you won`t hear that from Peter... I am not saying the Crusades were rosy and peachy, but they were not what the average person thinks they were (unprovoked wars undertaken for booty), they were defensive wars against 200 years of Islamic Jihad and aggression that preceded them. ...that is pure Peter...he just says it and let`s it his word is enough. What 200 years of agression? Muslims did no more to Europe than Europe had been doing and is STILL doing in the world. There were wars for strategic ports..for economic different from all the wars Christians fought against EACH OTHER. Peter is merely using the religion of one side as the explanation for everything...Islamic civilization was addmitted by even Europeans as the most developed of the Middle Ages...but don`t tell Peter..his hold on his own prick is precarious enough. ...Peter is to facts and history as Peter is to the "love" he writes about in his execrable can tell right away, even if you didn`t know him or what he looks like, that he knows nothing of the passion and feeling he`s writing about..he couldn`t possibly for it takes two to love, one to jerk off..and his love poetry is jerking off..pure and simple...just as his erudition and big words and loopy reasoning are all the product of a hairy mind that`s spent too much time in the bathroom of Life...alone. can change a name but you can`t change a leopard`s , or a skunk`s, acne..or something. --------------------- |
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