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- Friday, October 22 2004, 2:08:54 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...the storm in a tea cup over Kanna's rejection of a safe haven is causing fur to fly at this attempt to be rational and explain matters....this boy plays with words and like all of them who think "a lot of talk" is action immortalized, feels he's calmed the storm.... Raabi Yonadam Kanna Misquoted Posted By: Albert Michael <> ( Date: Thursday, 21 October 2004, at 6:20 p.m. I have a couple of simple questions for your contemplation.'s the answer before we hear the question....we are very smart and don't need to wait...."Are you working for the CIA"? Who amongst you believes everything they read in the press? ...everybody believes what pleases them....what "press"? What is one of the first things we do after reading a dubious report that is meaningful to oneself? I would hope that common sense would prompt us into making our own enquiries to confirm the validity of the source. ..boy are you STOOPID. The first thing you do is is diclare a victory..then call it a nation and THEN design a flag. So, after reading that Raabi Yonadam Kanna had refused a "Safe Haven" for the ChaldoAssyrians, and that he had implied that there needs to be a Safe Haven for all Iraqis, I decided to make my own enquiries. Before I reveal to you the result of my enquiry, I'd like to share with you my initial reaction to the news. I laughed! I laughed because I knew there was something fundamentally wrong, in fact I sensed that there was something "missing" from this report. ...I don't think you laughed at all...I think you want us to think you laughed...I will make some enquiries and get back to you. Raabi Yonadam Kanna refused a Safe Haven for the ChaldoAssyrians and then perhaps sarcastically suggested that all Iraqis are in need of a Safe Haven. I thank God that we have a leader as politically astute as Raabi Yonadam, a lesser person would have probably grabbed that offer with both arms and legs without understanding the ramification of such haste! ...well you see now, you've added your own bit of editorializing...what "haste" are you refering to? You wouldn't mean the haste with which an illegal war was brought to Iraq which has shattered the country and liberated so many from their bodies? That kind of haste? So what exactly is a Safe Haven? It is simply what the name states - an area of sanctuary for refugees protected by the United Nations. it isn't. The term "safe haven" is much older than the United Nations. It means a protected place....doesn't indicate protected by whom. Is this what we want? ...there's no such place on there's no such thing as Christians parading around as Assyrians and fooling anybody but themselves and those who use them. A Safe Haven was designed as a temporary measure to bring relief to those ravaged by wars, etc. What would become of this Safe Haven, if in 5, 10 or 20 years from now, Iraq was transformed from its chaotic state into a thriving and peaceful democracy? In essence, it would be like lapping the circuit and ending up where we started! have a better grasp of the language than most of you barbarians....only the substance is lacking. What happened to your enquiry and the facts? Seems to me you're being awful preachy when you could just deliver yourself and be done with it... Today I spoke to a very reliable source. ...did it have wings? I was informed that Raabi Yonadam Kanna had rejected the whim of a Safe Haven and had mentioned in the same article that the ChaldoAssyrians wanted an "Administrative Region" for the ChaldoAssyrians! Why this was omitted from the said article is offered for speculation. ...what the fuck is the difference? Would they NOT administer their safe haven? Would an administered region NOT be "safe"? If it were...would it not be a "haven"? You're playing with words...but then what else do you people do? I have also been informed that a written "clarification" is forthcoming from Zowaa (ADM). ...that should cause no end of confusion. The point is...whatever you call it and wherever it is and however it is adminsitered, it is nothing more than a Christian enclave and as such will NEVER happen. Call it what you will....defend it yourselves or get anyone else to defend it for you...surrounded as you are by Muslims who have even more and EVERY reason in the world to despise the very mention of your ain't got a snowball's chance in Jerusalem...we know know it...THEY know it. ...This is all an elaborate prelude for you to conduct the same inter-religious squabbles you've been hiding behind political fronts for years now....when this thing is finally over....and you see that the BEST time you had since America began this illegal and murderous war against CIVILLIANS...happened to coincide with the mass exodus and retaliation against Christians in Iraq...that's right, this is your BEST time and look at it...then you'll begin your REAL "work"....who lost Assyria???! ...Once America goes and the Brits too...and once elections are held and majority rule is and see how quickly the rest of those poor people beat a hasty retreat. The smarter ones are leaving the smart ones who figured it was time to get out of Germany the last time you Christians warmed your attack Jesus up. Today, in the House of Commons (British Parliament) a presentation entitled "The Plight of the ChaldoAssyrian Christians of Iraq" was convened, sponsored by MP Stephen Pound (Member of British Parliament), The Jubilee Campaign (Christian Human Rights Group) and the Assyrian Democratic Movement. ...that's the same place they used to discuss the plight of so many people they screwed. Throughout the presentation made by Zowaa (ADM), there was the call for an "Autonomous Region" for the ChaldoAssyrians. Very much in tune with what Raabi Yonadam Kanna had said before being misquoted! other words...a safe haven. A detailed report on this presentation at the House of Commons will appear soon. Albert Michael ...I realize a meeting with the thirteenth undersecretary for anything can go to your heads..and a ride in a limo gets you wet all over....but addressing people and telling them how sad and pathetic you are is merely a passtime for them..they ENJOY that sort of thing..makes them feel that by just listening, they have DONE something...sort of the way you all feel that by too have achieved wonders. ...You've been here before, it's deja vu all over've had assurances from Westerners've addressed the Peace Conference in Versailles've sent petitions and letters of complaint filled with dire warnings to heads of nations before...when will you learn that the world has no use for professional beggars? If you can't handle something yourselves, don't expect to be given never have been and you never shall...people may well USE you...and they'll be sort of grateful to you for your willingness to be so used..but they will not respect you in the morning. Everyone is sort of attentive to the whore he takes home for his use that night...but no one wants him there in the morning. ...before you know it you'll all be out on the street again. --------------------- |
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