going back home... |
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- Wednesday, April 6 2005, 1:35:39 (CEST) from - dsl-201-137-241-132.prod-infinitum.com.mx ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...several Americans who trace their Puritan lineage back to just before the Mayflower set sail...have gathered together a petition asking the government of England to give them back their homes. It seesm they too were chased out for religious reasons..terribly persecuted...forced to flees to Holland and elswhere..leaving behind homes and property etc. They now want all of it back...they say it`s only fair...that persecution forced them out or they never would have left. Their leader cites Peter Jizboohoo and Aprim as having inspired them with the idea...after all, if the "Assyrians" can get a triangle..why can`t these poor exiles get back what was theirs? One family traced its address all the way to where the present houses of Parliament are...but they have given the people six months to move. Seems reasonable...it`s not like they wanted back-rent or something. --------------------- |
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