The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> grair again....

grair again....
Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Tuesday, July 12 2005, 20:09:59 (CEST)
from - Network - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
Website title:

>>You said: “It is political corruption that is plaguing Arabia, not gender or religious classes”??? Really, that's all???

>>Can a woman drive in Saudi Arabia (S.A)?

...could a woman vote in America?

Can a woman travel alone?

...could she in England?

Can a woman travel without the permission of a male?

...did Muhammad's wife need his permission to conduct her affairs? Could English women or French women do ANYTHING without being burned as witches?

Can you build a church in S.A?

...can you build a Mosque in Manhattan?

Can you send a bible to a christian living in S.A?

...can you send financial aid to any Muslim charity?

Can you wear a cross in S.A?

...Can you wear your Swastika in Poland?

Can you drink?

...could you during Prohibition?

Can you think in S.A???

...can you, anywhere?

...It is one the most backward, and fanatic societies on the face of the earth...That is the problem

...not so. Your church saw to it that Europe fit that description for over 1000 years, ever heard of the Dark Ages? the same time that Muslims had the most advanced cultures of that day...and it wasn't any desire to give women freedom or allow a free press , or free-thinking that changed any of was because people had to slap your pope and his priests to get them to pry their fingers from our throats...that was when it became possible to begin to change and grow and learn...becomming liberal enough to make the necessary changes so someone like you could be born and cite us all the wonderful things your church DIDN'T allow.

..Islam is long overdue for a Reformation and a your savage church was when it came along. Corrupt governments are being propped up by you Western Christians, who else, and allowed a free hand to squash any liberalizing tendencies in those countries, as the best way to demonize those people, as you do, so you can justify war against Christians did the same thing to the Jews whom you ALSO gave this kind of "proof" against, to justify Buchenwald and the rest of your Christian won't last your fucking religion didn't keep its stranglehold on the human mind past 1000 years or so...Islam is 700 years YOUNGER than Christianity...go back 700 years in Christian history and see what you the light of the burning bodies of countless innocent women and Giordano Bruno...the hundreds of thousands of women killed by your Church didn't even leave a name behind.

You are a fool and a racist. If it had been up to you the church would still dominate us and we'd be even further behind the Muslims. It's in your interests to do all you can to slander those people and work to keep them as pinned down in ignorance as your church tried valiantly to do to all of Europe.

You're on a fool's errand but then what other kind of work could you do?


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