here goes... |
Posted by
- Friday, June 24 2005, 18:00:20 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
> >Notice how he never comments on the contents of my posts but just mocks and ridicules what he thinks will break me... like beezlebub, looking for the human's weakness to twist and turn them with. So this is his latest post.. not a direct reply... but lets examine it. again, my comments start with ** ...there isn't as much here as I first thought...Shushan is nine-tenths foam and very little coffee. Did that hurt your feelings? Was it a MOCK? Can I be prosecuted for it? Is it silly? Am I laughing? > >The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum >=> the message of Jesus... >the message of Jesus... >Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Thursday, June 23 2005, 8:31:27 (CEST) > >..there is none apparently. I 've asked and asked and no Christian dares give it...which means they either don't know or are afraid > >** the message of Jesus has been stated time and again, to love and forgive one another even your enemies ...this is the substance of the entire's her answer to the question I asked...the rest of it...or most of the rest of it, is merely let's stick to the point. This "message" of his was nothing new either...Pagans loved each other and forgave each other we can see in the gradual improvements made to laws and regulations as contained in Hammurabi's Code. I, at least, have no doubt neighbors in Nineveh were thoughtful, considerate, generous, rude, careless and normal...I am sure Asssyrians loved their children, got angry with their children, forgave their children, punished their children...I'm certain the Kings showed Sennakherib did when he forgave the Babylonians their two rebellions...retaliating only on the third occasion when they murdered his eldest son...enough was enough. ..You have to make a distinction between forgiving your family and friends and subjects...these should not be considered your "enemies"...and those strangers who would attack your home or country. It is foolishness to ask people to love the next nation over that decides to declare pre-emptive war against them when they have done nothing to them. You should indeed forgive and understand the neighbor who steals your garden hose...I don't see the necessity in "loving" him...such a notion of Love diminishes it..makes of it something the Hebrews made sex into some evil device for ensnaring people. ...No one...absolutely no one knows what Jesus said. What is known for sure is that SOME of his own people thought he was the promised Messiah and some among them made him the King they thought he must be..for indeed the Messiah IS a king who returns to lead his followers into WAR against the Prince of Darkness...a war in which all "evil" people will be killed...not loved...but torn apart with swords etc. And we know from experience and reading their damn Testicles that an "evil" person would be anyone, ANYONE, who refused yahwe. That's all it would take to be "evil" and therefore deserve to be murdered..along with your unoffending babes and wives and parents...THAT is the Messiah folks. ..that's all the Romans knew of him as well...that he was being called a King and also a God...they knew nothing of loving your enemies or the Beatitudes because these things were invented later and stuffed into the mouth of Jesus. You can't have a society with people "loving" their "enemies". Besides which, just what IS an enemy? The Jews had been subjugated by the Romans..they had a puppet imposed on them, a Hebrew puppet, which is even worse...collaboration was in the air and all around them..and you KNOW how people feel towards collaborators and Levies. The Hebrews "hated" the Romans...especially when the Romans built temples and public baths and stadiums for football...even going so far as to put a statue of their emperor in the Temple. The Zealots and others periodically rebelled, which only brought retaliation...Jesus simply wanted them to stop accept their fate, to turn their cheek, pay their taxes and "love" the Romans. An absolutely impossible thing to do...and he NEVER meant that sort of love...just tolerance and patience and acceptance..all of which are a PART of Love...but hardly all of it. The bulk of what is meant by Love was entirley missing from the feelings Hebrews, or anyone, could be expected to feel towards those who desecrated and killed them. It is no good making a religion that stands Natural Law and human instincts and basic emotions on their is a formula for disaster..and you can see what it's done to Shushan who loves you one minute and wants to eat your balls the next..then begs forgiveness for it, loves you again because she wants to be "like Jesus", then wants to pluck your eyes out...then cries and loves you some more..then wants your head...kisses and hugs you next, what's left of you..then wants to kiss your feet...wants your hands chopped off next and so forth till you're a mere bloody stump she will then offer to take home and feed a nice meal to. This stuff drives people insane! It isn't normal and it ain't healthy. There's no NEED to love your enemies...there's no need to MAKE enemies either. All Jesus wanted was for the Hebrews to give in to their situation and accept it and do the best they could under the circumstances...they made him into their Messiah..and the Messiah is all about war and bloodshed and conquest...he was NEVER going to "LOVE" the Forces of Evil..he was going to KILL them. This "message" is bogus as well. It is not written on any clay tablet is something dreamed up much later, when Jesus would become the sleeping pill of the Roman emperors, doled out generously to their subjects and slaves to keep them humping for Rome, expecting their reward in an afterlife...of COURSE you'd want the children of the empire growing up with the idea that it is WONDERFUL to love the Roman soldier who enters your home to rape your mother...but it's unnatural and not in our structure...we would NEVER have survived if we were to love the wild beasts who attacked us in our infancy..or turned the other cheek to marrauding nomads long BEFORE these words were invented for Jesus. It is enough for a sane and civil society to show mercy and demand justice for all..that and taking good care that all have enough to eat, that a good and true education and opportunites for a healthy and enriched life be available to ALL...regardless. That is more than enough and hard enough to achieve...but to gut social services, allow overpopulation...allow discrimination and dead-end lives for millions and THEN ask them to "love" their oppressors AND their enemies is expecting something you have no right expecting from Human Beans...and indeed, to even BE a religion you must be irrational and unnatural too. Believing the unnatural and striving to attain the impossible isn't "holy", it's keeps people mad at themselves for their inevitable "failures" also keeps them infantile, believing in a god who is a mass murderer...who murdered his own son and has those who "loved" this son eat his flesh and drink his blood as a "symbol"...of WHAT???? This stuff MAKES people crazy and they merely re-define "crazy" as HOLY! ...the rest is foam and fluff. .. you might be happier you? --------------------- |
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