in all honesty... |
Posted by
- Friday, June 3 2005, 18:14:56 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...there are a lot of similiarities between Aprim`s manner of "publishing" and my "commissioning" of myself to make Assyrian, not Christian, public monuments. Both efforts were aimed at the public...well, at some kind of public. Both Aprim and I paid to have our work realized. He got his money, Lord knoweth how...while we all know I stole mine by making models of the monuments and selling them to Assyrians and others, then using what would be my "profit" to pay myself and pay the bills making the Ashurbanipal...the Shumirum and almost the Hammurabi( I stopped short there after $90,000 spent). In neither case did anyone ask or beg us to do our work...we had to fund it ourselves. There are some differences as no time have I maintained that the Ashurbanipal is a work of Art. It is what it is...a technical challenge reproducing and combining ancient Assyrian motifs, cast in bronze. It is NOT Art..the original sculptors and designers and architects were the artists...I`m merely the modern interpreter. I did, however, have to make some choices as to how to proceed..what to use where and what to leave out...but on its own, that ain`t Art. The real artistry came in figuring out how to get Assyrians and others to pay THAT much money on something you`d think they`d never do. THAT was high art!!! Of course the technical work had to be good enough to pass muster with city and art there was some challenge there. Aprim, on the famous other hand as well as some others, are constantly telling us that Aprim has written a "book"..and that it is a great and a true book...telling, "the history of the Assyrians". Bunk and HooHaa. That`s like me claiming the Ashurbanipal is right up there with Rodin or Michaelangelo. Aprim`s book is meant for a small, small-headed minority of a minority of a minority of a minor Christian sect. For me to have designed the Ashurbanipal to be acceptable to the board of the "Nineveh Gambling Club and Church", comes closest to the audience Aprim targeted. That is a major difference between us...granted, no one in our community is going to think up the idea or see the necessity of building and funding monuments or promoting serious books and`s left up to individuals to do it as best they may. But, WHICH individuals and for WHAT reason. When I was finished making the Ashurbanipal, there in the bowels of Assyria, where Aprim was writing his "book"...I took it OUTSIDE, to one of THE toughest cities in the country and said I wanted it put THERE! While the making was privately financed, the aim all along was to be able to compete right up there with the BEST this country and the world has to offer...subjecting myself to the hardest, most exacting requirements for what is called Public Art in America...not in Assria...but in America...where we LIVE! I did the same thing with the Shumirum, though it took 13 years to complete...once again it was not INTENDED for Nimrod`s Buttquarters on Clark street...where I would have been hailed as a HERO by several boys and Putzes...serving themselves and calling THAT "nationalism". Chicago has to be even tougher than San Francisco in their requirements for what goes up and gets added to their precious collection and cityscape. And they gave us, honored us and did us a tremendous favor too by giving us the BEST possible location...a block and a half from the world famous and lovely and newly renovated Oriental Institute. Yet there were no problems there either...not till Nimrod stepped in and tried to steal the monument for "us"...for "Assyria". Which, by the way, will turn out only better for us in the long run...Shumirum WILL go up...but only after she`s brought DOWN several people who`ve been riding our backs to THEIR glory long enough. Yes Jackie Bejan, that includes you and your travelling, unravelling cunt. The two of you alone have been of SUCH service to us, I don`t know how to thank you enough. Pals like THIS, you couldn`t pay to find. Had Aprim taken his book and submitted it to, let`s say the Oriental Institute, or some other body where there are known experts in the field..and had they deemed it fit to be added to THEIR collection...praising it along the way...he might be justified in crowing a little..and Ben in crowing a LOT. But that`s not what happened...what happened instead was the equivalent of what we all experience when we try to do something fine but falter and hear..."moophtawi...kheena koomit eeli...suryayi eeli...BASMAGANOOKH!!!...that way we have of enobling ourselves by merely enshrining mediocrity...and THAT`S what got all these grairs and Jassim and the other Rabbits so pissed off..that THEIR pissant "work" for Assyria was now to be measured against a higher impossible standard, it turned out, where they`re concerned. Standing sheepishly, like a rabbit(?), in hotel lobbies and giving away your "poetry" would also no longer work..if you wanted to keep doing`d know your little world changed the day the Ashurbanipal was installed in Civic Center in San Francisco. And there would be NO going back to Assria by the sea. I did indeed "cost" them their little "Assyrian" fantasy...and what a beautiful spectacle it is...watching them all yell at me for being the ENEMA of ASSYRIA...when all I did was raise the standard to where OTHER and more capable Assyrians wouldn`t be ashamed to enter the fray. I threw THEM out of Assyria, for a change...and they`ve been beating at the door since trying to re-establish their "credentials"..and Aprim`s GREAT BOOK is supposed be their ticket back in...fat chance. --------------------- |
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