it's all Judaism... |
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- Friday, October 22 2004, 7:48:59 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Christianity is just another form of Judaism after all...there is no significant break anywhere...Jesus is merely thought to be the real Messiah by some Jews while the orthodox claim he was just another false one...just as Paul later modifies the intent of Jesus by throwing it open to non-gentiles...for which they nearly kill him....and even later Jewish scholars add and subtract and still later the dour Puritans are nothing more than them old Testicle farts in square heads. You might as well call Paul's bit in the bibble the NEW New Testament...even refering to the "New" testament means it's directly linked to the other words NO ONE broke away from Judiasm as practised by them grumpy Hebrews..they've just been refining murder, human sacrifice and cannibalism. There have always been decent Jews and then Christians too...but that's in SPITE of that silly book, not because of it...they are the ones who looked over at Gilgamesh and Sidhurri....then Socrates and Plato and got our religion and ethics right all on their own. The Christians reverted to form when the Protestant Reformation brought both sides to the kind of mutual savagery they hadn't seen since the old days when they were eating sheepshit and asking for more. It's ridiculous to say Christ brought something NEW into the world....there were kind and decent Jews before him...Jewish charity and good works were nothing new...those who travelled to BetNahrain or came in contact with our culture were bound to improve..they couldn't get any worse. This sacrifice bullshit Paul is so pleased with is nothing more than the usual bloody stuff that went on in their temple slash butcher shoppe...only they finally did it to a human and made kebobs out of HIM as well. I'm sure they all believed the sheep and oxen "wanted" to lay down their lives to save them Hebrews from eating bugs for dinner one more time. All Jesus brought was the belief that HE would be the one...and you can thank the Romans for that too...had they not been making life hell for the Jews there never would have been the mistaken notion that Jesus was a "king"...even a warrior under whose guidance Judas thought for sure they had their new King David...the skunk of all time. There isn't anything new or odd in brother killing sister...every nation has Civil Wars and religious wars are even's a common idiocy of the boys that Muslims CAN'T be Assyrians because if they were they wouldn't "persecute" their own do you deal with THIS much stupidity? The Jews of today are merely those who remained orthodox, that is: true to the belief that the Messiah has not yet come..that's all. And even among them there is an even MORE Orthodox sect that believes the state of Israel is an abomination because God, not man, is supposed to restore Zion..I tell you these people are ALL nuts! ...Christians are those who believe Jesus was it...but they are Jews all the way. of COURSE Jews would roast each other in ovens...look at what they did to each other's wives and how they killed their own should read what they did to each other in the Protestant Reformation and then the backlash of the isn't pretty. These are the bloodiest damn people the world has ever seen and if we would avoid the Armageddon they ALL crave we'd start by taxing the fuckers....EXTRA....for, like tobacco companies, their products have caused untold pain and suffering and death... They are ALL Jews...and we are still Assyrians! --------------------- |
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