let me see.... |
Posted by
- Thursday, June 23 2005, 8:59:56 (CEST) from - 24-205-227-160.ata-cres.charterpipeline.net ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
..I am not a Christian...never have been and will never be...am not of any other Jew-based religion...have never done a "Christian" thing in my life...but the boys have and are...all the time...but they can't point to a SINGLE thing they've done AS Assyrians, not Christians. They can't be both because they are monotheists...and not a one of them has been able to challenge that. They just quietly let it slip in hopes no one notices. ..I HAVE built the first Assyrian Public monument anywhere in the world in the last 2500 years, installed it in one of the lovliest and most popular cities in the world where millions have already seen it...paid for it by selling my own sculpture...built the Shumirum, over a 13 year period, also funded by selling my sculptures...half built the Hammurabi at $90,000...plus some thirty other Assyrian sculptures...and I "hate Assyrians"...according to the grairs, hiding in their lairs. The boys have done nothing...absolutely nothing that even comes close to one tenth of all this...and they LOVE "Assyria"...? ...all any outsider has to know is the record of what I built compared to all the grairs have TALKED ABOUT doing in one day...which we'll know just as soon as someone tells us what it was...add that to the boys' comment that I must HATE Assyrians...realize that I dislike CHRISTIANS, rather, for trying to usurp our Heritage...and the rest is, well...it's hysteria. --------------------- |
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