more Christians throwing each other out... |
Posted by
- Thursday, June 23 2005, 1:15:46 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...of Assria. These guys are too much...they keep yelping that ENEMIES are out to get know...MUSLIMTURKKURDARAB enemies...people who could give a shit about them...when all along they themselves are betraying and stabbing each other and have been since before Islam conquered BetNahrain and forced these jackasses to let go each other's throats...and today they would like nothing more than constant warfare in BetNahrain...hells bells I wish the Muslims HAD converted these jackasses by whatever means...or sent them all to their beloved co-religionists in the Christian "safe-haven" of Byzantium where they would have been roasted alive for sure. [ Post Response ] [ Read Prev Msg ] [ Read Next Msg ] The Webmaster of Beth is an enemy of his people ...see how easy it is? All you have to do is DISAGREE with a boy and you are an ENEMY!!! Posted By: mee ( Date: Wednesday, 22 June 2005, at 12:24 p.m. The webmaster of Beth is a dictator who has no respect to his people. While a user called “Mhallamoyo” can insult our people and our patriarch (before three hundred years) and also me, the webmaster deletes my post and gives me no possibility to defend myself and my position. People like the user “mhallamoyo” are agents and hater of our Assyrian Christian people. Only stupid and blended people do to no see that. The aim of the user “Mhallamoyo” is the division, misdirection and destruction of our people. He can spread his lies and propaganda in the forum and the webmaster does nothing. The only thing he did, was the deleting of my message. How can that be?? I can’t understand this attitude of an Assyrian. The behaviour of the webmaster is disrespectful towards his own people and history. By deleting my post and giving me no possibility of defending our people and my point of view, he shows me that he acts like an enemy and not like a compatriot. I hope the webmaster from this site will not delete my post. I wrote this here because I have no access to the forum of Beth Suryoyo. --------------------- |
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