more bullshit neo-con issues... |
Posted by
- Friday, July 29 2005, 1:09:49 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...closing our borders and protecing us from the Mexicans who do our dirty work. Every last neo-con jackass knows how indebted this country is...and how much his expense account depends upon the miserable work the underpaid and abused illegal workers perform...that he'd have to pay REAL money for otherwise. Lying for public consumption is what they do best. The real reason to harrass them so is to scare them off from forming unions or demanding safe and decent working conditions, health care benefits and all those things that drive up costs for the owners. And it isn't just in the fields and orchards either...the hospitals, restaurants and most small businesses depend on Mexican and other Latin workers...this bullshit about how they are TAKING OVER is meant to demonize them..make them objects of our hatred instead of our gratitude...and it keeps them weak...fearful, unwilling to report cases of abuse, demand better pay, or organize to protest. Jeff posted an article awhile back that said a Mexican a day dies from unsafe working conditions...365 a year. In the news today is a story of farm workers forced to work and work even faster in 105 degree heat..leading to the collapse of many and the DEATH of one...literally worked to death under the eyes of his bosses. ..this man also died for US...and he wasn't a "god"...wasn't going to bounce up again. Had the workers refused they could have been punished with impunity...and THAT's the whole point behind the hysteria being drummed up...and they want to arm civiliians to patrol the would serve America right if ALL the Mexicans went home...then watch the little white piggies squeal. --------------------- |
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