of pisheetas |
Posted by
- Thursday, October 21 2004, 1:22:38 (CEST) from - adsl-64-166-23-112.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Please refrain from making comments about Christianity. As for the effects of Islam, please read and hear the stories of the indigenous people of the middle-east who have been conquered by Muslims. ....then you can compare that to the testimony of the people converted to Christ in the New World and Africa....well over half the land mass of the planet...the fact that Islam is 700 years younger than Christianity may explain the dearth of many memories of being ravaged by Christ....Black Americans know damn well Jesus had nothing to do with them...that they never heard of him till the priests mentioned his name while oragsming all over their children....Jesus was the savior of the slavers and murderers and even so Black Americans today worship Christ and sing his praises....THAT'S how sick this religion is! The most Christian King Leopold of Belgium offered a bounty for the hands of any African who's soul was saved from hell...maybe they choose to forget that on all sides..and don't tell me this is yet another NOT real Christian. While you people slander Islam by calling every Muslim wannabe a REAL Muslim....you excuse the countless millions of wrong as hell Christians your churches produce. Religion is meant to be irrational and that leads to violence and worse. At least that's the case with the Jew based religions today. They ALL suck...they ALL promote mumbo-jumbo....as you can hear pouring from Paul's lips. I know he thinks he's fully clothed but he sounds an awful lot like any half savage in a jungle somewhere. It has always been their fantasy that because they mention "love" ten thousand times a minute and toss in "mercy" and "sacrifice" that no one notices the human blood in their mouth and bits of flesh between their teeth....Yuckarist indeed! --------------------- |
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