of throngs and such |
Posted by
- Tuesday, August 9 2005, 19:10:28 (CEST) from - 24-205-227-160.dhcp.atsc.ca.charter.com ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...Kakovitch reported that ..."a throng of 200 Assyrians..." etc. Menaing that a lot of people showed up to cry in Los Angeles... ...let's see what the English language knows as a throng... v. thronged, throng·ing, throngs v. tr. To crowd into; fill: commuters thronging the subway platform. To press in on. ...unless they held their crybabies festival in a phone booth...there was hardly a number of people PRESSING IN ON anybody...if anything people are pressing to get OUT of Assria! ...when you stop to think, if any of you ever do...it dawns on us that WORDS and the botched meanings and tricks they play with them is the ENTIRETY of this NAYSHUN. --------------------- |
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