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- Sunday, October 24 2004, 20:12:10 (CEST) from - adsl-64-168-25-91.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Paul Younan wrote: >By Robert Locke >FrontPageMagazine.com | February 28, 2002 > >PRESIDENT BUSH CLEARLY HAS NIGHTMARES about the current war on terror turning into a war with Islam. On the military plane, this is unlikely so long as we do nothing stupid, but on the philosophical plane the question has already been forced in a lot of people’s minds: Is Islam a fundamentally defective civilization and are the advanced nations of the earth therefore doomed to find it a source of trouble? One cannot help noticing that if we take “civilization” in the sense established by Sam Huntingdon’s excellent The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, it appears that they are the problem child of the planet. The alternative, of course, is that the trouble Islam appears to cause is the product of pure politics and not of religion per se. After years of politically-correct West-bashing sapping our spirit, it is probably salutary for us to assert our superiority if it is warranted, so let’s take a look.com. ...no need to read further...try a more balanced writer next time..not one so clearly in someone's pay. All you need do to understand who this guy really is, is to take out all references to Islam and replace them with "dirty Jew". Then you'll recognize him for what he is. These are them good ol Christian Nazis again...with changes of course...so Keith can point out "differences". Every swipe at Islam for being a "problem"...for being "defective"...for being just "that way"...has been heard before..and not so long ago either. They said the very things about Jews..they had "proof" then too...why they even had FILMS showing us just how rat-like and vermin infested "real" Jews are...and they are just THAT WAY. At another time...and when they were firing up the ovens..they ignored all the Jews of brilliance...all the composers and artists and scientists and thinkers and writers and humanitarians...they narrowed their focus on the poorest and least educated...and when that failed they merely hired actors to LOOK "like Jews"....and Christians were eager to buy it all...and they did too...for over 1000 years. They had all the "proof" Paul now puts before us...and he is a devout Christian..and THEY were devout Christians too...though they'll deny it. Then there are the subtle things like Murdoch buying up newspapers who then do "articles" proving that the Nazi Pope was really a nice guy who'd been unfairly maligned by "evil forces". Goebbels couldn't have done better. The boys ignore the greatness of Islam...and they sort of have to because it's creeping up right here on America's sunny shores..as the fastest growing religion in America with NO swords attached. The ills and backwardness of modern Islam began with the Mongol invasion from which several of the most brilliant cities of their day never recovered, which also gave the Pat Robertsons of their day the opportunity to say Allah sent the Mongols to PUNISH them etc...you've heard it before I'm sure.. It was Baghdad that was the leading city then...not Paris or London..which were dark and dank, filth encrusted hamlets. It was the Moors who brought soap and education and oranges to Europe..on their own they were roasting each other for Jesus. But that's well known. In the modern era it was Britain first that beat down the brilliant Hindus of India...robbing that nation of its wealth and killing all civilized dissent...after Napoleon attacked Egypt. In the Medeival Age the Ottoman Turks were called the Gentlemen of their day...and were repected by Christians as well who learned a bit about culture from the Crusades when they saw the refinement they never dreamed of as Christian pigs. The Colonial Powers needed compliant weak minded tyrants to keep their people in check and sell off their nation's wealth for a pittance. They supported only those who would keep a tight and repressive hand over their own people...thus squelching growth and intellectual development..but it hid in the shadows and grew nonetheless with an Egyptian recently winning the Nobel Prize for literature. In one way or another the MidEast has been occupied or held at gunpoint by the Christian West for over 100 years. In that time every backward and fundamentalist force has been nurtured and supported and protected while any and all progressive movements have been thwarted...much as European Jews were uprooted and robbed time and again and sent to live in the most hellish parts of cities so they could be blamed for "their ways" later. There is a powerful creative force bottled up within Islam...and these wars have only made it that much more determined...but they have also brought to the fore a spirit of rebellion and defiance...like every People have felt when oppressed. The West has always installed puppets from the people themselves...and they just did it again in Iraq...which means the people have to fight TWO opressors...their own traitors as well as the guns that stand behind. But they WILL fight....America has seen to that...finally...they WILL fight. Fighting will, sadly, consume their energies and their best and brightest...but it will also steel future generations.... These Christian dogs did this same thing to their own people barely 60 years ago...and they are at it again against Islam today. If you replaced Muslim with "Jew" in these articles there would be a hue and a cry about racism and prejudice and intentional lies...but it's just fine if these lies are directed at Islam..if these distortions and murders are of Muslims...just as fine as it was fine and fashinable only a few years ago to write this way about Jews...and we all know what that led to The Christians are on the warpath again..they have painted blood on their faces..they have eaten human flesh and drunk human blood...and they are ready again to do their Lord's work...Jesus is just the front they use...and these pisheeta people are their poster boys of what it is all "supposed" to be like....but the murder machine will move on nevertheless. Paul is the college bound nephew of the Mafia Don...they all point to him with pride and don't want him mixed up in the family business...he's to give that last name some polish..he's to be the GOOD part of the Famiglia....but he was raised in it...he ate the food it provided...he goes to college on its money...got from prostitution, gambling and murder for hire AND fun AND profit...that's how he can afford to be so "different"...but he also serves the Don...he provides good PR...they can trot him out when need be and point to him as the model they all aspired to be like. but alas...spaghetti is weak and mozarella got the better of them..and oh that cursed VINO!!! Without the murder and whores and brutality and theft, Paul couldn't survive..and without Paul there's be no "charecter" witness before the Grand Jury. They are two sides of the same Crime Family. --------------------- |
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