paul sillies |
Posted by
- Thursday, October 21 2004, 2:46:30 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
I hate to be the one to point out that you're buying the story of pigs flying on Mars....and at that just because some Jews of 2000 years ago said so. It's always difficult to talk with you like you were a grown human...but I try. The first thing to say is that you have no way of knowing if Jesus existed or said any of the things attributed to him. I can imagine Charles Manson saying his victims WANTED to be murdered too, even that Sharon Tate "gave" her life for him, Manson....any nut case would. You people have chosen to put this gloss on the usual and dreary FACT of animal sacrifice the Jews loved well as the human sacrifice of a firstborn son....which got all jumbled together with the Scapegoat wherein you people, who else....would take a baby goat and heap your own fuck-ups on the poor thing and send it out to the desert to die....thereby allowing you the "grace" of fucking each other all over again for a week till the next time for "reflection" set in. This is savagery of a special kind and one most us would as soon do without. We know all too well what you SAY about we know what you SAY about Armenians leaping into Christ...but alas, we know not that any of it is true and judging by the showing you've made on earth I'd say you're a pack of holy liars. You can claim many things....but this we DO know for a fact....however Jesus died...and whether he wanted to or not...we know your church DEMANDS to this day that you must eat his flesh and drink his blood. call it a it symbollic if you want to....and then tell me why symbollic pederasty would be wrong in your church...for verily that kind of place can stand ANYTHING! You have ten thousand odd and quaint beliefs and reasons and merely gave me another one....and I told you already: your church's self-serving excuses and explanations, even to cover murder...don't mean a thing. Of COURSE they're going to say the equivalent of, "officer officer, he MADE me do it"! You even have quaint explanations for your cannibalism and vampirism...but that FACT here is indisputable. I don't know WHAT Christ said and neither do you...not first-hand and that's all I'm willing to accept. But we BOTH know and first-hand too, what your church...not Jesus, but your church, says about eating and drinking him. You could as easily say that coming into a Christian church to pray is UNIQUELY Christian and NO Hindu or Buddhist does it. That isn't to the point. Believing Jesus is the son of God..that he was errected....that he made miracles..that he sacrificed himself...none of these will get you into heaven WITHOUT you eat and drink him. It is not the third from the last thing or the next to the last thing you must do to get into heaven I was refering is THE thing you MUST do...and that is the unique thing about your religion...NOT what some Jew told you Jesus said 2000 years ago...but what your priests tell you TODAY you must do. Every religion has its fairy tales and fancies..and this sacrifice business is your's....but it is NOT unique as in all vegetation religions a god "sacrifices" himself like wheat "allows" itself to be cut so that food may be made and thereby "save" people when they eat the "god". Among all pagan argicultural people there is the god sacrifing himself so that we may live.. Bacchus is also torn limb from limb as is Orpheus and there are many more such instances. But where civilized pagans drink wine in place of real blood...and eat wheatcakes in place of real flesh, you savages insist it is REAL flesh and REAL blood you are enjoying, albeit it gets "magically" transformed. You people don't say the wine is "symbollic" say the BLOOD is symbollic wine. Your witchdoctors don't say this bread is a symbol of human flesh, they say this human FLESH is bread. Everyone murders and always has though the rest of us gave off eating the corpse and drinking its blood long ago. Not you. note: This is instructive...I quote directly from Paul.... "The Christian religion is the only religion which portrays the Creator sacrificing Himself for the sake of His creation." ...I was not interested in how the Christian church "portrays" itself. I don't care how Bush or Bin Laudin "portray" themselves either. I'm interested in what we KNOW. We know Paul believes this garbage...we know his children believe in tooth fairies and the Cubs think they'll make it to the World Series and "portray" their chances as real good every year. So what? ...This isn't about's about what IS! I don't care how the church portrays itself...why the hell would I argue with the church's PORTRAYAL? Let them pretend all they want to..let Paul believe in what he wants to..let him buy a bridge in Florida for all I care. My question had to do with hard FACTS...and it is a FACT, not a "portrayal" of its beliefs, that the church wants you to eat the flesh and drink the blood of a corpse...that is a FACT....not an image...not something someone SAID 2000 years ago for which we've had no corroborating evidence or a repeat in all that time....this is what the church has BEEN saying and demanding for 2000 is not a portrayal of their beliefs it is THE CORE! --------------------- |
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