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- Monday, June 20 2005, 11:07:38 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: | which Aprim practises the Engrish language.... The Hallucination of the so-called Moslem Assyrians -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Fred Aprim on 20 Jun 2005 08:33:14: The Hallucination of the so-called Moslem Assyrians Recently and on various Internet forums ...he can't bring himself to say which one...such are our heroes. , few numbered ultra liberal Assyrian voices have begun to propagate the thought that for the Assyrian national movement to blossom and succeed it needs to cross religious boundaries. no. How you state the problem reveals all...there is no Assyrian national movement..there are a few boys who yap and yelp loud anough to turn the rest off...they then diclare a victory and create a government in exile. YOU have placed a fence around the word Assyrian, limiting it to Christians who behave as YOU wish them to...we say Assyrians come in all colors and flavors and those who are non-Christians are far CLOSER to what the world knows of us. ...while you Christian rats are begging the United States to expand this illegal war in which tens of thousands of CHRISTIANS have been killed by other CHRISTIANS...we non-Christian Assyrians are calling for an end and those of us in Iraq are courageously defending betNahrain from yet another Christian assault. They claim that Assyrian Christians must accept the presence of so-called Moslem Assyrians segment in Assyrian society and that such segment does exist whether in the Middle East in general or in Iraq or Turkey in particular. usual you get everything backwards...Assyrian Muslims are the dominant group...they run the country and protect the Christians are an insignificant minority, the "bravest" of you have run out of the country while the rest stayed behind to protect it. It is you boys who have made talkingalot proof positive of how Assyrian you are..just as you brag about walking barefoot to China and building a stone there while Muslim Assyrians continued creating Civilization... People can claim anything they wish; ...ahem. however, the reality remains that there is no such thing as Moslem Assyrians. ...yessir...whatever you say sir. If, and this is a big if, any Moslem who profess publicly that they are Assyrians did exist, it is almost impossible for Christian Assyrians to co-exist with them peacefully. ...not at all...they were doing just that...even and up to we saw when the Christian churches were bombed by American Christian Contractors...the Muslim neighbors were first to the resuce and they helped and commiserated with their Christian brothers and is YOU who hate and is YOU who claim Christians can never is YOU who say every woman who runs off and marries a Muslim was is YOU who lie to make your point...the truth is that we have existed side by side in greater harmony than you Christians EVER managed to live with each OTHER! It would be much easier and less troublesome to marginalize and undermine the Christian Assyrians by their fellow so-claimed Moslem Assyrians, instead of having Arab or Kurd Moslems for example committing the oppression and persecution. are unimportant and insignificant and it is this which wounds you Muslim fears or is interested in you at your clumsy haste you kick each other and fall over each other and so believe you MUST have enemies who are AFRAID of you...give it a rest. All any Muslim has to do to get rid of you is create an open forum where you can say anything you please...that's enough to lock you away for good. This I say because the Middle East continues to a large degree to live in the mentality of the Middle Ages and it is very likely that the so-called Moslem Assyrian would be closer to an Arab or Kurdish Moslem than to an Assyrian Christian. what? And you are closer to Jews than you EVER were to any Assyrians. Assyrians never had a Messiah complex..they were never enslaved and helpless and moronic...they were always capable of defending themselves and their creativity was unmatched...they NEVER bragged of being meek...NEVER fell to their knees imploring the heavens to give them what they could not get for themselves and they never KILLED THEIR FIRST BORN SONS WHEN THE RENT WAS DUE....Islam was far closer to Assyrian ways and beliefs than Christ ever was... Not every nationalistic thought or ideology could be applied in real life, no matter how perfect that thought or ideology is. Many good thoughts and ideologies remain ink on paper. I am not an expert on religions, therefore, I am not here to analyze what is Christianity and what is Islam, ..of course're just here to tell us that the way you know a real Assyrian is because he or she does NOT believe in an Assyrian god but rather a Jew one and that all Assyrians MUST be Jews first! I am not here to make comparisons or explain what each religion stands for, or argue the rules and expectations they impose on people in general and on their believers in specific. However, I am going to list certain points and present couple of scenarios, and then I am going to ask a question or two and expect a precise and not a politician's answers. ...go suck are a horse's ass of incomprable dimensions and depth. Many Assyrians adopted Christianity in the first century of the Christian era (some 2000 years ago) and it took another couple of centuries for the rest to convert. ...they did not. This is merely your church's fable. No PERSON and certainly no culture EVER threw away their glorious past on the say-so of a few out of work Jew "saints"..that is SUCH an insult to Ashur...and his people. You people are Jews...descended from the first Jew converts to Christ who were kicked out along with the rest of the Jews from Jerusalem in 70 AD by the went to settle among tolerant pagans who were used to all sorts of intermarried and shunned you still do...excomunicating your daughters and sons for being "kidnapped" never had 80 million or anywhere near to it...but had about the numbers you'd get from fucking each you still is your fable that Islam killed MILLIONS of you! The Assyrians remained Christians for around six centuries when Islam entered and occupied Assyria (modern north of Iraq). Many Assyrians remained on their Christian faith and until this day. However, others converted to Islam in the beginning to escape death or heavy taxes levied on the Christians and later throughout the centuries Assyrians continued to convert due to attacks, abduction, forced conversion, protection, and other reasons. ...not true...again your fables. Christians and others around the world are converting to Islam TODAY and no one is attacking or taxing them into it. As Assyrians or Babylonians in Iraq became Moslem, they joined what is known as the Islamic Umma (nation). One cannot be part of two ummas, i.e. part of two nations: an Assyrian Christian nation and a Moslem umma. Moslem umma is based on fundamental factors prescribed by the Koran and Arabic heritage since the Koran (Islam's holy book), ..and you, as monotheists, cannot follow two have to choose ONE...while you can be Arab Christian you cannot be MUSLIM-Christian...while you can be Assyrian American you cannot be Assyrian Christian....there's a good reason the name, the SINGLE name of each god is contained in the name of the religion and why the followers of that god have his name in CHRISTians follow Christ....ASHURians follow's very simple. as it is stated, was handed to Mohammad in Arabic language. Being a Moslem is to have a culture that is based on teachings of early Arab Moslem figures that follow strict Arab and Moslem culture. This culture was alien to north of Iraq; it came from the Arabian Peninsula. be Christian is to follow the teachings of Jews who happened to take their language from Aram..the same place Assyrians took their's from...neither of you are REAL Assyrians...but we accept you all. If few Moslems, a small tribe, or a village of Moslems claims privately (and I stress here privately) today to be Assyrians, it should not mean that we could apply this exceptional belief as a rule. I said, it matters to no one anywhere WHAT you do. We must remember that there is always the exception to every rule. The fact on the ground in Iraq remains that Assyrians are all Christians, again, with the exception of atheists here and there. ...not can't say Jews remain Jews because they follow Buddha...they follow their ancient god...that's what makes them ran after Christ, the others ran after Muhammad...what's the difference? If there are so-called Moslem Assyrians, where are they and have they publicly (and I stress publicly) professed to their Assyrian belief and defend it? The answer is no. ...and they don't need Muslim Assyrians their Assyrian identity is only ONE PART of a rich and glorious identity that encompasses also 1300 years of Muslim Identity..and nothing you do is have merely added that name onto your your church has done. There are claims that are simply not possible to materialize in the Arab Moslem world. Fact is that Arab Moslems would not claim being Assyrians without facing a great uproar and perhaps persecution from fellow countrymen. one is an Assyrian today...Muslim Assyrians state the obvious truth: that they have an Assyrian HERITAGE...that is all any sane person can claim...the rest of you can say what you want...where does anyone listen to any of you? You have made yourselves even more unwelcome in have caused even more to be killed and leave...who needs you for anything? It is one thing for a politician to say certain things sometimes; it is another how the common people feel about that same thing. Therefore, until that happens and a group of Moslems come out and publicly declared that they are Assyrians or Babylonians, such claims remain a fictional matter. do yours. It makes such beautiful sense that you would base your entire claim on WORDS... because you are so foolish as to say and write the assinine things you do in which you claim this and that, you actually believe that makes them TRUE! "LOOK Ma...they are in a BOOK"!!! Understanding the principles upon which the foundation of the Islamic Umma is based on, considering the Middle Eastern mentality, and realizing that the Middle Eastern is a religious person in nature, we can safely assume that we cannot have Christian Assyrians and so-called Moslem Assyrians in any healthy society at present or near future. ..of course we can and that's the ONLY way it's going to are dying out and idiots will be harder to find now that those villages are gone...we will work towards a reasonable future which you people will sabotage every chance you get. In Ottoman Turkey Muslims, Jews and Christians lived side by side in greater harmony than Christians did living next to and exclusively among other CHRISTIANS..and it was ruined by CHRISTIANS...not Muslims. This is because the Moslem world is complex, intolerance world, and accepts no other religion but Islam as superior to all. Until that whole picture changes, the argument of a so-called Moslem Assyrians is worthless and without any merit. ..Muslims have been far more tolerant than Christians EVER were...what they have finally found intolerable are the lengths and depths Christians would go to in attacking them without provocation...15 Saudis attacked the United States and America murdered hundreds of thousands of IRAQIS in response! Let us consider a hypothetical society in which Christian and so-called Moslem Assyrians co-existed side by side. It seems to me that there will be greater friction if not serious confrontation between the two Assyrian communities because there are fundamental differences between Christianity and Islam. ...Islam accepts the people of the book...and we discovered, only when Christians blew up those churches, that Muslims and Christians were friends and NEIGHBORS living around those churches and had always been is YOU who don't want them living side by side in peace..that is why you encouraged the United States to attack...precisely in the hope than this would lead to brutal attacks against Christians thereby PROOOOOVING this point you feel you MUST make. This explains what happened in the Sub-Indian Peninsula and how the Sub-Indian Peninsula was divided and India and Pakistan were formed; the prior a Hindu while the latter a Moslem country. It explains why Hindu and Moslem Indians even today cannot live side by side, even when they are both Oriental Indians and it explains why they kill each others and attack each other's worshipping places. Catholics attack Protestants and Protestants attack Catholics...this is nothing new.....the Irish are one people as are the Serbs...divided and driven insane by fanatics on BOTH sides...which is exactly the way you want it to stay..the thing you fear MOST is peace and harmony between these competing religions... Shouldn't we learn from the Sudanese Moslem and Christian example, even when both are Sudanese citizens? Shouldn't we learn from the Egyptian experience as both Arab Moslems and Coptic Christians pride in their ancient Egyptian history, yet Moslem Egyptians continue to attack and persecute Christian Egyptians? ...shouldn't you learn from Simele? Didn't you learn from broken promises from the West? Shouldn't you have learned from Versailles? Let us ignore these examples and assume hypothetically again, that tomorrow many Iraqi Sunni and Shi'aa Arabs suddenly decided to rediscover their true heritage and decided, hypothetically that is, to accept that they were in fact ethnically Assyrians and Babylonians, but wanted to remain on their religion (i.e. Islam). mean as you claim the right to remain Christian? They have NEVER denied their Assyrian Heritage and ancestry...they just claim it as ONE part of their Sargon of Akkad's Semites would come to claim the Sumerian Heritage as part of their own...and the later Amorites of Hammurabi would claim both the Akkadian and Sumerian heritage as part of their own...this is nothing new and is the way things ALWAYS transpired in are merely pissed because the most recent desert tribe came from the SOUTH and were Muslims and kicked the shit out of the Christians from Byzantium who tried to take it instead and would have killed you ALL had they succeeded. So far, this should not raise any issues according to the modern liberal nationalistic thoughts. Now, what we will have in front of us will be an Iraq with a minority Christian Assyrians and a majority Moslem Assyrians and Babylonians. Allow me to raise these questions: 1. What will happen in Iraq if the so-called Moslem Assyrians wanted to practice the true teachings of Islam in dealing with Christian Assyrians, just as some of today's Moslems do already? What kind of laws would be allowed to pass in order to protect the Christian Assyrians against the Moslem Assyrians? ...probably the same as Catholics need in Ireland. Christians have been free to practise their religion since time immemorial..what they are NOT free to do is use it as a disguise for preaching sedition..the notion that Iraq BELONGS to Christians because THEY are the original Assyrians. That is idiotic as well as illegal...try that in America and see who shoots you first. 2. Where would this new society stand when Christian Assyrians are treated differently (i.e. second-class citizens) in that society? Would it become like the Christians and Moslems of Sudan! would be the way it was...Donny George was not a second class citizen...neither was Tariq Azziz...neither were the liquor store owners nor the university students free to go to is YOU who urged the present state of is YOU who said a war and democracy would FREE Christians in Iraq and make them is YOU who has released the fundamentalists in Iraq Saddam was keeping from is YOU who wanted conditions to worsen for Christians...for hostility and retaliation to fill the make life more dangerous than ever before for Christians in Iraq as the only way you could see to getting your agenda met. 3. Where would this new society stand when a so-called Moslem Assyrian woman is killed for marrying a Christian Assyrian since Islam does not allow it? ...Iraq was never like that...neither was Iran. You bring the most backward examples of other places to make a point about Iraq...that MAY happen in this new Iraq of never happened in Saddam's Iraq..and you know it. 4. Where would this new society stand when the testimony of a Christian Assyrian in the court of law is not valued as equal to that of the so-called Moslem Assyrian? ...again..that never happened in fact, it is only NOW that these harsher measures you appear to lament could become a reality...WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ALL WORKED FOR. 5. Where would this new society stand when a Christian Assyrian were not given the chance to rule over the country or hold a high post, since a Christian Assyrian cannot rule over a so-called Moslem Assyrian? ...Tariq Azziz ruled over plenty of Muslims...and Donny George was the boss of many Muslims..and the Christian generals you at OTHER times mention with such satisfaction must have Muslim soldiers under their're just KenFuck without a collar trying to use hysteria to scare people into your wits. Today, Assyrians accept it because it is Moslem Arabs and Kurds who are ruling and the Assyrian Christians are a lesser and weaker oppressed ethnic group. ..they are not oppressed. I understand that many of these issues exist already. However, today, Assyrian Christians accept the reality on the ground because they are different. However, it would be very hard to swallow when an Assyrian (Moslem in this case) treats a fellow Assyrian (Christian) non-equally. It just would not be the same. How could we envision that SPECIFIC new society (and I stress the above specific hypothetical scenario) from the point of view of these very few ultra liberal individuals, who believe that religion should not make a difference and who claim it so very casually and irresponsibly? had no trouble "envisioning" a better Iraq that would come about after 14 years of the most brutal treatment any people were subject to in the modern era...done to them by had no trouble then "envisioning" all sorts of glorious things...even though the entire country was being bombed into oblivion...Wellfed made himself WET "envisioning" a bright future and KenFuck ate ice cream and Jajo was urging Christians to stay and get what "they deserved" while all along you were all OUT of the country. What happened to your vision thing? Could we compare that to the situation in the Arabian Peninsula before Islam? A large number of the population in the Arabian Peninsula was Arab in their race; however, there were Jews, Christians, Saba'ean, and others. What happened after Islam? Why is it that the Arab Christians disappeared? What was wrong with having Christian Arabs and Moselm Arabs in the Peninsula? ..they didn't disappear at all...neither did the Arab Jews. What happened to the Arab Christian tribes in the Arabian Peninsula and the Syrian Desert who spoke Syriac (Aramaic)? One might ask therefore: Could a community of Assyrian Christian minority survive among a so-called Moslem Assyrian majority in Iraq? In our discussions, we must take examples from history and learn from them in order to be fruitful. ...fuck you and your advises! This Christian minority REMAINS a Christian minority whether they "accept" their Muslims Assyrian brethren or what are you talking about? Allow me to direct this thought to these very few ultra liberal individuals: Today, a Moslem Arab woman could not marry a Christian Assyrian man; she will be killed by a relative and the killer will not be prosecuted because the Islamic Law looks at it as an honor killing. ...get your nose out of the Sudan when discussing Iraq...that NEVER happned in Iraq! There are all sorts of intermarriages is YOU who would kill her. However, the marriage of Christian woman to Muslim man is blessed. Therefore, in this new society, we will continue to have a society that blesses, further and stronger, the latter situation; however, the prior situation will remain without a solution. What is more crucial is that in this new society intermarriage practices will continue stronger since Christians and Moslems in this situation are all the same since they are all Assyrian brothers and sisters (considering the scenario in question). Now, since Arabic is the ONLY officially permitted language for the Koran and the translation of it is officially prohibited, and since reading the Koran is a must for a Moslem, Assyrian women must read the Koran in Arabic and with time they will be Arabized (learn from the Arabian Peninsula experience). ..and you read a Hebrew bible and pray to a Hebrew carpenter and worship a Hebrew god...the fact that you do it IN Aramaic should be no reason to brag!!! This is what happened earlier and this is what will happen in this new society. The difference between now and then will be that in that new society it will be "acceptable" and an internal matter while today it is, at least, "protested." We were not Arabized completely so far because Assyrians were different through basically being Christians and speaking Syriac (Assyrian). are Judaized...what is the difference...NEITHER of you is Assyrian! Islam and Arabism are synonym; few might not agree with this point for good reasons (since there are Moslem countries that have their own languages), but allow me to elaborate. It took only few hundred years for Arabic to rule over the Arabian Peninsula even when Syriac was a significant and important language. It took few hundred years more for Arabic to have great impact over the people of Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and many African nations. Persians, even today, do not know how to deal with this problem; their language is dominated by Arabic language due to the influence of the Koran. One thing that saved these people from totally becoming Arabs was the lesser military power control of the Arabs in those countries, which were at a distance and the geographical nature of their regions. Could you imagine what will happen to the remaining Syriac speaking Assyrian Christians in Iraq few centuries down the road if Iraqi Arab Moslems admitted to their Assyrianism and Babylonianism but remained Moslems? If it took 1,300 years to put Assyrian Christians in the pathetic situation they are in, it would take only few generations to completely purge Iraq from its Assyrian Christian population. ...with your help and that of Christians in the West it will take even LESS! Many argue that Islam is not about race and ethnicity; it is about an ideology called Shari'aa (the Islamic Law). How is anybody going to safeguard the Christian Assyrians against the so-called Moslem Assyrians, when the latter have to follow the Koran and the Shari'aa? If we have survived as Assyrian Christians, it was only because we remained different; we were Christians and they were Moslems; we spoke Syriac and they spoke Arabic; we tried and tried very hard to be who we are, meanwhile those who were Islamized became Arabs. Islam created the Islamic Umma, which has its own rules and definition. We Assyrians are closest genetically, linguistically, and culturally to ancient Assyrians. are not. You are closest to the Hebrews. Those Islamized Mesopotamians (Assyrians and Babylonians) mixed with other Arabs since they began to share a new religion (Islam) and with time any blood relation between the Islamized population and the remaining Assyrians disappeared (with continuous mixing with other Moslems). one mixed it up more than the ancient are merely a Fascist. Meaning, our differences isolated us and saved us (Assyrian Christians remained to marry within themselves, with a very small and negligible exception of course.) are the first Christian converts from Judaism who intermarried...that is all...until you thought you had a clever scheme for getting a "nation" about the same time nationalism was sweeping the region...why not you too? Does anybody know what happened to the Syriac-speaking Christians who created Arab nationalism? Today, the Islamized Mesopotamians are completely different people; they, in general, reject everything that relates them to their pagan ancestors. Assyrian Christians, and again generally speaking, are still proud of their ancient fathers. ...not at all...Muslim Assyrians have brought honor to our past, they have worked hard to preserve it and the very first Muslims learned from us and inspired us to get up off our knees and build another magnificent is Christians who have blown it away...on the official Iraqi webpage before this war they gave equal space to the cross, a Lamasu AND the Crescent of Islam...something you turkeys would never do. There is nothing in common between an Arab from the Arabian Peninsula and Assyrians of Assyria, and yes I do understand that they are both humans. Those Assyrians who were Islamized and became Arabs with time for speaking Arabic and practicing Arab and Islamic culture, lost all their link to the Christian Assyrians and thus to earlier Assyrian ancestors. are a foolish foolish man. There was "nothing in common" between Sargon's Akkadians and the Sumerians...and nothing "in common" with Hammurabi's Amorites, Sargon's Akkadians AND the Sumerians..that's the whole point and secret to the greatness of Mesopotamia...that many DIFFERENT people were drawn to the region enriching and infusing new life and ambition and energy to the more sedate and settled all the people with "little in common" who came to America from all over the world brought all their VARIETY here to add to the mix and create something new and unique and powerful. Today, an Arab is a Moslem and he/she speaks Arabic, which has no connection to the heritage of Assyria. Those Assyrians who were Islamized since A.D. 640 and the following centuries have mixed and married from within this new Arab Moslem culture and with the original Arab people that invaded the region of Assyria. did ALL the desert tribes who conquered the settled cities in that region since the beginning of time..and it was this MIXTURE that made it the Cradle of Civilization...what you suggest NEVER was the case in Betnahrain..they NEVER excluded people or tried to get PURE BLOOD and it was the secret and basis of their greatness. Generation after generation, the genetic of the Assyrians who were Islamized has become almost purely of Arab blood (after 70 generations). ...what color is Arab blood? We have lost forever most of the Christian Assyrians some 70, 60, 50, or 20 generations earlier. The remaining Assyrians, meanwhile, have continued to marry from within the Assyrian community until the mid twentieth century exodus of Assyrians to the West. It is well established fact in Iraq that when an Assyrian Christians marry Moslems, they are considered castaways. These Assyrians are not allowed back into the community; they are portrayed as having brought shame to the family and the community. ...because the community is an ass...the same argument was used to make interracial marriages taboo...because the children would "suffer"...guess who made SURE to make them suffer!!! Therefore, we can say easily that at least for 2000 years, the Assyrians maintained a strong bond among themselves through three strong points: Christianity, Syriac language, and marriage. ...they did not...the Christians of Iraq dislike the Christians of Iran who dislike the Christians of Syria who dislike the Christians of have been tearing each other's eyes out since the very beginning. We know too that the Syriac language was basically inherited from Assyrian Akkadian and Aramaic and I will spare the talk about the close relationship between the religion of Ashur and Christianity. May be 10 generations down the road the discussion of intermarriage of Assyrians in the West would have greater impacts, for now it remains relatively less damaging than that of the conversions to Islam. The only reason why Assyrians have assimilated faster and easier in the West is because Assyrians lost that guard that protected them for 2000 years. In the West, the vast majority is Christian so we feel "safe" in a sense and we have let our guards down. Yes, the West could prove to be devastating for Assyrians and that is another topic for discussion. Christians are yourselves have seen to that. basing your entire identity on religion you are either traitors on behalf of any Christian force greater than you....killing each other over Christ, or swept away into a sea of anonymous Christians..and that is because you HAVE nothing else but Christian sects each posing as the REAL Assyrians. You were made to be laughed at. Therefore, before anybody continues in this crusade of so-called presence of the so-called Moslem Assyrians, he/she should make sure that the Iraqi Moslems are accepting this "illusive and hallucinating new and improved national thought. ...they accept us all as IRAQIS who share a common Assyrian one is an ASSYRIAN today, least of all you. " This is not like bringing Catholic and Orthodox Assyrians together; a people that have so much in common. If a small group in one or two Turkish and Iraqi villages still remember their roots because their parents and grandparents still talk about their "fresh" conversion that happened some two centuries ago, the overwhelming majority of the Iraqis (Arabs, Kurds, and Turkomen) are ardent and devout Moslems when put to the test. you are ardent and devoted neo-Jews when put to any We must not take the expression of the very few and try to impose that on the completely different 20 million Moslem Arabs, Kurds, and Turkomans of Iraq. ...they have NEVER and WILL never say they are Assyrians...that is absurd...I don't even say it any more...that is not the point...the point is that so long as you AND Muslims embraced a non-Assyrian religion, neither of you ARE extoll your new religion and they sing the praises of their' picked up a new culture from the Jews and they got one from the Arabs...they see this simple truth but you refuse to...claiming you are MORE Assyrian because you are NOT Assyrian! Additionally, we must not mix between the new phenomenon of nationalism that is defined by new internationally recognized borders and ethnic group. An American is that who lives in the United States; however, he/she is not an American ethnically. Yes, he can be an Assyrian, Arab, Mexican, or a German. An Arab who lives in Iraq today is not an Assyrian or Babylonian but an Iraqi (living within the new borders of Iraq). This is from the national point of view. Ethnically, however, he/she is an Arab because he/she has been living in his/her Arab culture and for generations his ancestors have been marrying within this Arab community. Consider for example Mussa, a young Moslem Arab from Egypt, who migrated to the United States in 1800. In 1810, he married Mary, a Christian Mexican American. In 1830, Mussa and Mary's son, Abraham, is married to Josephine, another Christian Mexican American. Abraham and Josephine had a daughter, Anna, who in 1850 married Jose, a Christian from Argentina. The trend continued where Mussa's great grandchildren and great great grandchildren continued to marry non-Arab and non-Moslems. In 2000, i.e. 10 generation later, it is safe to state that Joseph, a descendent of Mussa, is no longer an Arab but a Hispanic. Joseph does not speak Arabic, his ancestors have been Christians, and their culture is non-Arab. Therefore, Joseph has, for all practical purposes, nothing to do with Arabs. It is that simple. Now, unless Joseph stands in public and declares that he is an Arab, no one should even contemplate claiming that Joseph is an Arab, period. are a fool. Assyrian nationalists are struggling to convince certain Christian population of northern Iraq to profess to their Assyrianism. These people insist that they are Chaldeans despite the fact that they lived, and continue to live, in the heartland of Assyria for millenniums, speak a mixture of Assyrian Akkadian and Aramaic language, use the Aramaic script, and share family ties, culture, custom, and religion with their Nestorian Assyrian brethrens. As if that is not enough, these few ultra liberal Assyrian voices wish and dream to bring completely different people into the Assyrian fold to create complications to the Assyrian national question that Assyrians are for sure better off without. That in itself puzzles me the most because we all know that it is simply impossible and incomprehensible any way we look at it unless Assyria as a country was born and its structure for a civil, democratic, modern, and advanced society established. Until then, this issue must be folded and tucked away because only those naïve and struck by lighting could envision Arabs and Kurds professing Assyrianism under today's circumstances. must be worried. Fred Aprim June 15, 2005 --------------------- |
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