sedition.... |
Posted by
- Thursday, June 23 2005, 19:35:46 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
The Christians of Iraq were NEVER discriminated against or persecuted or singled out for any kind of extra-legal treatment or abuse BECAUSE of their religion. There have been cases of discrimination, of course...but anyone ever heard of Jim Crow? So let's take our shorts out of the fire and treat this subject calmly. Iraqis never discriminated against "Assyrians" either...what a stupid claim. What the hell did the Christians DO that was Assyrian? Was there an Assyrian Theatre in Baghdad where plays about Assyrian history were staged..and was it burned to the ground? Was an Assyrian symphony denied a permit to play Assyrian music? Did some Muslim ever pull the plug on Assyrian music? Iraqis themselves revere their common Assyrian ancestry...even the director of museums and artifacts was Chaldean, fer chrissakes...and the Foreign Minister was Christian...met with the pope,,,so what is this crap about second-class citizens...coming from low-class Christians no less? Not even Christians were discriminated against..they had their churches all over the place and no one even thought to bomb any until the CIA did it this time around. What "persecution"? Why did Iraqis open their borders to the Christians running from Urmia? Why not just leave them on the border to starve or be picked off? The tragedy that was Simele only came about when these same Christian dogs betrayed Iraq for British pay and a second round of empty promises...even though they had JUST been betrayed by them a few years earlier. It was no more than an excessive show of force, like all governments use when trying to teach brutal the United States murdering 90 completely innocent people at Waco, Texas because ONE of them was wanted for questioning...who could have been quietly arrested the next time he drove to town for a beer. The tragedy of Simele PALES when compared to what Christian countries have done to their OWN get off it already...stop using those long dead people for some benefit you think to derive...and stop making NEW Simeles! The ONLY Christians to suffer in Iraq were those who raised their hand against the government...and that can come in many forms. remember "pre-emptive" action? It's all the rage now among Christians. Saddam was not going to wait for the boys to go about providing a pretext for the has happened before. He rightly saw that village churches, especially, were being used to spread the idea that Christian Iraqis who called themselves "Assyrians" were promoting the notion that because of this foreign religion THEY were the original inhabitants of the land and therefore deserved to "get it back"...OR, get special consideration for their religion...even though they called it "Assyrian" was all about religion and nothing but. We've seen how glad to no longer be persecuted as "Assyrians" these people are when they reach freedom's shores...they immediately set about building churches and NOTHING but churches...where is there anything Assyrian they have built or done? Exactly. The people in Phoenix are peeing in delight that they can build a five million dollar CHURCH! As if there were no churches in Baghdad for the last 2000 years! BUT...there are NO churches in Iraq any longer that will be allowed to make these assinine claims about exclusive ownership of any triangle...that is something that can only happen in the West and it's about time! The Christians who say they suffered persecution are the ones who spread or taught or spoke of sedition...and that is aren't being "persecuted" when you are arrested and jailed for breaking a country's are a criminal, plain and simple. You may consider yourself a criminal of conscience...but the punishment is clear and LEGAL...until such time as laws can be changed. This isn't from Hanna's magical dictionary, but here it is: Main Entry: se·di·tion Pronunciation: si-'di-sh&n Function: noun Etymology: Latin seditio, literally, separation, from sed apart + itio act of going, from ire to go : the crime of creating a revolt, disturbance, or violence against lawful civil authority with the intent to cause its overthrow or destruction —compare CRIMINAL SYNDICALISM, SABOTAGE —se·di·tious /-sh&s/ adjective —se·di·tious·ly adverb key words..."crime"..."creating a revolt"..."lawful civil authority". In other words if you commit the crime of creating conditions for a revolt against the legal are guilty of sedition. George Washington was guilty of sedition but, luckily for him, he won. Had he been captured he would have been hanged from the nearest tree, no trial and no gentlemanly firing squad either. Christians within a country are expected to obey the legal civil authority...and in Iraq that is the president and the Laws and Constitution...same as in any other country. If you claim the government is illegal in its entirety then you are ALSO guilty of government on earth can exist if its right to exist can be challenged in the streets by whatever group feels wronged or left out...we couldn't challenge the Florida vote what are you people crying about? When Christians in Iraq talk about Iraqis being Arabs who are ruling the country illegally and demand special rights and guarantees or else they are absolved from having to obey the laws of the land...and further when they preach in churches that the land belongs to the Christian minority because they were there FIRST...sedition is being preached..and no government will tolerate isn't because they are Christian..or Assyrian, for Ashur's sake...that they were treated as is because they BROKE THE LAW...the civil law of the land..and that will get you tossed into jail in England and France and California and Iraq. These were criminals..pure and simple, who used being Christian to cover their crimes...and even tossed in being "Assyrian". Like the Palestinians who do not and never have "hated" Jews, but would feel this way towards ANY people who did this to them...Iraq would have treated any group or religion or ethnicity as criminals if they engaged in this sort of thing and indeed the Iraqi government has been fighting the Kurds for decades for just this sort of thing and has kept a tight muzzle on Shiias as well..because all of them plus the Christian minority BREAK THE LAW...not because they are ALL Christians or "Assyrians". All we have really is a criminal class who happens to be Christian in this case...breaking Iraqi civil law and trying to enoble their crimes by thrusting Jesus and then Ashur in front of them. We return you now to your regular programing. --------------------- |
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