shit kickers.... |
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- Thursday, June 23 2005, 23:40:08 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...I've got a pair laying around somewhere...just as soon as I find them I'm going to wade through Shushan.... Re: Beezelbub and Giglamesh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Shushan on 23 Jun 2005 10:13:55: As an answer to: Beezelbub and Giglamesh written by Shushan on 23 Jun 2005 05:27:04: Notice how he never comments on the contents of my posts but just mocks and ridicules what he thinks will break me... like beezlebub, looking for the human's weakness to twist and turn them with. So this is his latest post.. not a direct reply... but lets examine it. again, my comments start with ** The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum => the message of Jesus... the message of Jesus... Posted by beezelbub (Guest) - Thursday, June 23 2005, 8:31:27 (CEST) ..there is none apparently. I 've asked and asked and no Christian dares give it...which means they either don't know or are afraid ** the message of Jesus has been stated time and again, to love and forgive one another even your enemies, and if the middle east had listened, don't you think you would still have Ashurists besides yourself, and peace there. The jews did not have that message for like at how bitter they were against their enemies like our ancestors in their holy book, even the people following jesus did not embrace that message, and the muslims with their jihads and infadel and dhimmi biases did not embrace jesus' message even though they make him prophet and spirit of God and miracle worker etc.. and even your Ashurist didn't embrace that... don't you think their empire building that built so many grudges against them is what led to their enemies teaming up to destroy them. So he does have a unique message and a superior one to any other religious leader in my opinion. >of "ridicule". I guess they didn't take too much after their dear Lord...whose example hardly indicated a fear of ridicule. ** he ignored their mockings... and did not respond in kind, but responded with kindness still asking for forgiveness for them... that is what makes him divine in my book, even if he was only human, for no human can put up with his mockings and crucifiction and still love and pray for those doing it... and for all the wonderful acheivements of our ancestors, their own tablets bragging about their cruelty show that they could have used a man like him leading and guiding them... and as for Gilgamesh, he was a selfcentered egomaniac brute, who even in the end only turned into the kind ruler to secure his legacy and not out of pureness of heart... I saw no redeeming nature in him in that epic.. I do think that it showed the things in humanity that are our downfall, but I did not find it redeeming in the end at all, for it was an old beaten man who had no regrets for the suffering he inflicted the course of his life, that thought only he mattered, thought himself almost a God 2/3rds and all... and when old and tired, and realizing that he was doomed to be mortal, realized his name is what can be immortal so he had to clean up his image... all ego... all male ego out of control... not redeemed in the end... so I say Jesus' message was by far the better one and the ONLY one that can save humanity... but even thought I believe, even I can't follow it at times, so we are doomed probably... as was Giglamesh doomed eventually. >...I enjoy discussing the belief system of BetNahrain... ** well please do.. I have yet to have my 10X asked question to explain what the belief system is of Ashurists? Do they have the same brutal imperalistic belief systems justifying injustices to people of inferior military compacity, and if so, then shouldn't you change your stance and be Bush's biggest IRaq war supporter? >not so much the fables about who made what but rather the sublime genius and humanity contained in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Search all you want to and tie yourself in knots trying to make it fit...but ** I do think it was genius and it had great messages but I found it hollow in how Giglamesh gets his final transformation to stop being the tyrant killing his people, wasting their lives building without rest etc.. through the whole story even his friends death, it was all about him and his ego, through the whole quest, same thing.. then he fails and is faced with reality of his mortality and then feeling vunerable and old and tired, he decides to clean up his act... what a selfish horrible human being he was in my opinion... and he is the HERO! BS if you ask me, he was the real monster in the story. I did see analogies even today in the preemptive strike against the monster as the war on terrorism, and it doesn't make value judgements but the fickle Gods first seem to spur him to do it then punish his friend who didn't even want initially to go after the monster.... and I found the coporate world's often long hours of workers wasting away their lives overworking in it... and the male bonding thing is so true.. it was awhile ago, and I am sure there is more.. and it is a great tale, but I found the hero not to be much of a hero.. I thought the only decent human being was the bar maid who he totally ignored. >there was never any hint, even, of a Messiah among the Assyrians...there was no precedent for one...never any call for one ** but you are wrong, the Samaritans were Assyrians and they were being oppressed by the more powerful Jews and they had a call for one and he was their Messiah too, and they were Assyrians put there as policy during Assyrian campaigns hundreds of years earlier. And by the way isn't there an assyrian myth/religion of tammuz or someone like that ressurecting and being a savior of sorts? >and never any need of one. The idea is totally foreign to their culture...such a concept would have been shameful to them...but it suited the Hebrews perfectly...and that's all the boys are...descendants of the early JEW converts. ** shame on you for the way you are bigotted against the Jews, especially since in all likelyhood are ancestors invasions of them, weakened them and maybe the region to the point that one invader after another made their life hell right up to the Romans, and they needed a savoir... shame on you for belittling suffering people and their need for hope to survive as the Jews have done beautifully, and did you ever think that THAT SAVIOR that you hate so much has helped the Assyrians to survive... Islam did convert and assimilate into Arab identity or kill all you Ashurist pagans infadels... people of the book including jews and christians were allowed to live as dhimmi... so in a REAL way Jesus was the savoir of Assyrians.. otherwise, right now you would have no idea you were of Assyrian decent, and would be an Arab and think like the rest of the world that Assyrians are extinct and were cursed by God as the Jewish Torah says... so Jesus was our savoir and yours too, but you are just blinded by brainwashed hate for christians to realize, even though some have corrupted Jesus message and done horrible things.. you don't throw the baby out with the bath water. >..I sure as shit ain't afraid of RIDICULE when I discuss my Lord Ashur...why are the boys so shy? Where is the SHTRENGTH they talk so much about? Apparently Jesus didn't give them anough of that article to allow them to walk outside...while Ashur inspires me to tackle them all, with both hands tied behind my back...and a foot...draging them out into the open. ** you are all talk.. I have never heard you or Tiglath, despite many times I have asked, discuss what your Ashur religion today stands for... or what it did for our ancestors... but we can all tell you time and again that Jesus stands for loving and forgiving even your enemies, embracing compassion and justice and equality and embracing the spirit and not the law, like he prevented the pigs from stoning the woman adulterer.. not having bias, like he embraced the samaritan woman and the man in the parable of the good samaritan... and samaritan=assyrian... so what was Ashur doing for Assyrians after Assyria fell hundreds of years before Jesus? Ashur is just a name... as the Muslims say, God is God... Yawheh, Allah, Ashur, they are all just God. There is not a God for different ethnicities.. this is were you are the biggest hypocrit... you say ethnicity pride is like nazism but by saying only Ashur is our god is ethnic pride.. you say that no one (two words) today can say they are pure Assyrian if any at all you have said at times... so then why Ashur if you don't believe you are really Assyrian? you see how filmsy your poofs are... you just spin to hate christians. I think if you can let go of that ingrained hate, you would be a happier man.. I say do a sculpture of Jesus with his arms open embracing Ashur... and let some of both of their love in you. >The boys tried saying Jesus introduced kindness and love and gentleness...which pissed some of the other boys off who, at least, had the good sense to ask if these things weren't already in the world and especially in we ended it there. ** yes good things were in the world in every nation, including Assyrians, but the difference is loving and forgiving your enemmies and putting human dignity before religious dogma.. and don't fool yourself to think pagans like Ashurists did not have their own religious dogma and bigotries and hate.. their own tablets show it. >The self-sacrifice business is hardly unique to Jesus or Christians and is a fraud anyway...Lots and lots of examples abound in the Pagan ** I agree.. I think the self sacrifice was a device after the fact, and Jesus was just killed by hate.. kind of the same hate that you have for Christians.. hate is hate no matter what induces it... I have felt some hate for some of my mockers and what I got is nothing compared to what he got but he still loved, so you know that is something new.. he makes things new is what he meant.. but we are not a speicies capable of his goodness.. he was the exception be he divine or man... and I don't hear any tales from our ancestors of anyone that kind.. and giglamesh, although really a Sumerian king and that is different than Assyrian, I found him to be a brute and if that is what they call a hero, then I see why there was so much conflict and suffering in mesopotamian back then and maybe for milena since... you have this idealized version of the past, and a smart man like you should be more even minded and realize that times like that were not all sweet and innocent.. you know how evil slavery was in america, in muslim world, even in africa and europe, and our ancestors had slaves too as did all societies back then.. but Jesus said during a time when slavery was okay by all those people, that slave and master are the same.. at a time when women were chattle, he said that woman and man were the same.. our ancestors did not do that.. and don't think temple preistess prostitutes counts for equality... for it does not.. women are psychologically programmed to want one loving man, not hundreds of wham bam thank you maams so those women were victims... look at hammurabi laws, and biblical laws, all biased against women, second class citizens.. so it is not this utopia that you paint and I think you are smart enough to know it.. but you just use it to spin your antichristian antiamerican antiassyrian web.. why I haven't figured out.. if it is childhood brainwshed bias, arabization, personal grudge, or just hate in its purest form. >world of selflessness and even self-sacrifice for the sake of others...but Jesus wasn't sacrificing anything anyway...he was a god, remember? He knew he wasn't going to die...that he'd get up and fly ** I don't think Jesus thought he was a God.. even the gospels don't have him saying it.. it was said by his followers decades later to get converts.. no one is going to listen to words of love and peace from a homeless wandering prophet killed as a criminal.. but a God, then people listen.. but that does not take away from Jesus having divine knowlege and being special in his divine goodness, purity and integrity.. that not a human being before or since I bet has shown. if he was just a man, then he was an anomaly... a rare but good one. >away all clean and well pressed after a mere three days of where's the sacrifice? The whole thing was pretend..."symbollic" if you prefer. ** the muslims believe he was never crucified... but then why no record of his teachigns and wanderings I bet he was crucified... and the sacrifice to me is not the typical christian one.. it is that he showed that with the same human genetics as the rest of us dopes, that he could stay true and kind and loving and forgiving given the worst torment imaginable.. heck, jsut a month of mocks from you and I was cursing you left and right... and I am a good decent person.. so you know that he was something special. > isn't self-sacrifice and it isn't about inventing love or kindness...then what is it? Whatever it was, it appealed to the > ** it wasn't inventing.. it was saying, stop rethink, out of the box so to speak, you dont' have to keep propogating your parent,s, your religions, your nations, your peers hates.. love even your enemy, forgive.. and he kept true to the end even sacrificing his own life to be that example.. now not many followed it.. but I beilive ghandi and martin luther king jr, mother theresa all claim that his example helped them to make their sacrifices that changed the world in valuable ways... they did not mention any other MAN or any God, not even Buddha for Ghandi... who was not a christian... but Jesus' example is what helped them to use love and forgiveness with peace to change what seemed like insurmountable suffering. So whatever Jesus was, he was good and those that really understand can do good with him as an example.. i failed with you but I am willing to try to forgive if you let me, but you won't let me for your hate is too great.. but I offer you my love and forgiveness if you want it. Peace. >bloodiest people at the time, the craziest people in the far as their leadership went...the Romans. They were well versed in insane gods and men becomming gods in their own lifetime...but it was the meekness and enduring part they liked, for the people I mean. ** i agree.. they used and preverted christianity to help rebuild a crumbling fractioned disgruntled empire were the drastic line between the few rich and the multitudes poor was not fostering loyalty and dwindling armies, so they used the meek will inherit the earth of christianity to hoodwink their masses.. sometimes I do agree with you... but you blame the victims.. the masses of christians are not to blame for what their ruthless emporer popes did... and yes, they just found a new way to be emporer gods since that was being challenged so vicar of God gave them the same power.. I agree. >Nothing damns Christianity more than that Roman emperors, already GODS on earth, embraced it. As for the boys, we already settled their hash...their ancestors scurried out of Judea when the Romans threw them all out for not taking Jesus' advice and turning their cheeks round and round...that's all Jesus was really trying to do...warn his ** I read once that the Jordanians are descendents of Assyrians too and genetic testing has shown the link between the Assyrians of Iraq and the Jordanians genetically... did you know that when Rome kicked all the Jews out the first century after Jesus, that a lot of Jews are still bitter that the Samaritans, who were Assyrians, fled to Jordan rather than fight since the Jews had oppressed them so they did not want to fight on the side of their oppressors, and did you know that many believe that if they had fought with them, they may have won.. and what was Jesus' message in the parable of the good samaritan, to try and get the Jews to stop being biased against the Samaritans and relaize they were good people and make freinds and not enemies.. if they had done that, the jews would have had their country rule back then and their.. so the irony is that Jesus was their savior and they did not listen. >people to find a way to transcend the unpleasant realities of being subjugated to Rome...of stoically enduring all the outrages they and their religion were subjected to...they didn't listen and rebelled one too many times...they fled Judea when the Romans cleaned them out in 70 AD and settled among the tolerant and wiser Pagans who were willing and able to accpet any number of weirdo gods...even yahwe and Jesus with his "disappearing whip marks" act. But at NO time did this silly religion of cannibalism and human sacrifice and play-acting gods EVER impress any but a few misfits and degenerates who are always with us too, just like the poor. *** you are such a mean spirited bigot when you make comments like that last sentence. so what about the muslims do you call them misfits and degenerates for they belive in everything in judeochristianity except the crucifiction and resurrection and god status of jesus... and many of them were christians before muslims... and for your info, christianity appealed to the poor without force for it message is for the poor, opppressed, disenfranchised.. that is its strength in giving them hope... shame on you for being so cold hearted to people. >There WERE no "millions upon millions" of Christians magically wiped out by Muslims...those "massacres" were of Roman Christian SOLDIERS...fer Pete's sake! The "true" Christianity of the boys is a mindless, pettifogging, brawling, squabbling bunch of lunatics all with their head coach and cheeering any football league with drunken, zealous fans who beat each other and curse each other, making a nuisance of themselves wherever their team happens to be playing a match. ** then how do you explain the multitudes of churches that were converted to mosques and the records of the christians before islam invasions? when you distort the truth or exaggerate, you loose the point of your argument.. just like with Jesus, they distorted and exaggerated and lost the point of his message to love, forgive, tolerate, equality, kindness, compassion, leniency etc... and overwhelmed it with this get out of hell free card for just believing.. they exaggerated his status to god from just divine knowledge.. they exaggerated his spirit which I know exists so they could endow it to a church and its power brokers.. and his humble message is lost... and your twists and exaggerations and hate for christianity, makes your otherwise message of fairness for Muslims gets lost. Just fyi, how someone trying to see all sides sees you.. i figure you can mock my emotions, then I should at least tell you what i think of your rantings before your next round of mockings of me. >My arse... ** yes you can be at times, but you can be likeable when you are not being hateful.. try making friends instead of enemies.. you might be happier --------------------- |
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