shooting pishittas... |
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- Friday, October 22 2004, 6:20:51 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
By Nina Shea Hundreds of Middle Eastern-American Christians gathered in Washington earlier this month to discuss events in their former homelands. One of the principal organizers, Walid Phares — a Lebanese-American scholar and activist with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies — had been working to build such an alliance since before September 11. About three quarters of Middle Eastern-Americans are Christians, but, divided along ethnic and national lines, they have had little discernable influence on foreign policy. Now galvanized by Bush administration initiatives promoting democracy in the region, Christians of Lebanese, Iraqi, Syrian, and Egyptian descent have come together to find their voice. This is a momentous time for these communities, which are neither Arab nor Muslim. At the Friday night dinner their enthusiasm was palpable. ...if you shower the slightest attention on them these people pee. Bush stole our own election..he's hardly the liar to promote democracy was lost in America thanks to him.. You must be a religious person eager for an enclave in the MidEast....we have a lot of you pesky critters to contend with. Iraqi-American Christians — or "ChaldoAssyrian Americans," as they now prefer to be called, in recognition of the new solidarity between their Chaldean and Assyrian churches — came to the Washington summit in full force. ..they did not. There is no such cohesion between fact they are ripping each other's throats as they always have....all the way back to when the Muslims had to separate them and impose civil law on the bickering bums. You're merely one more who thinks to patch over the truth with pretty lies. Numbering about half a million in the United States, they are both exhilarated and apprehensive. They are exhilarated because America liberated Iraq after 35 years of tyranny. didn't liberate Iraq and has never liberated didn't liberate American Blacks and it jailed Japanese threw American women in jails and denied them the vote...beat and force fed locked Dr Wen Ho Lee up for nine months in solitary for nothing and it executes retarded people and those who commit crimes as is right up there with every repressive country the world now knows and this war in illegal and criminal war, ranks with the Nazis at their best. For the first time in that country's modern history, the ChaldoAssyrians are now explicitly recognized and given full rights as citizens under its basic law, the Transitional Administrative Law adopted under Coalition auspices last spring. means nothing. Christians were always allowed to practise their religion....we saw that when the churches were bombed and the first people on the scene were the Muslim NEIGHBORS and they and the Christians condemned ALL OUTSIDERS...meaning the United States most of all...for bringing this war and murder to innocent people. Assyrians can now CALL themselves what they want...but their position is more insecure than it ever was....the fools gave up the real thing for a "name"...and one they are STILL bickering over. You ever hear of Aprim? This interim constitution provides them with basic rights to religious freedom, in contrast to the stunted confinement within church walls that characterized Christian expression during the Hussein era. ..if religion is a private thing then they had all the freedom to worship in private. We aren't dummies...we know what your "missionaries" have done to us in the past....under the guise of "teaching Jesus" you people lay the groundwork for military assaults...down the road. You did this to us in Urmi in the early years of the First World War...and before. No Muslim country will allow Christians to go seeking converts...or display their religious nonsense freely..if Muslim women and girls can't wear scarves or bandanas in France and American Muslim women can't wear their own clothes for a photo at their DMV, where the hell do you come off demanding you be allowed to preach your religion in Muslim countries? It also recognizes them as a distinct "ChaldoAssyrian" ethnic group with full "administrative, cultural and political rights." This generation of Iraq's native Christians are daring to hope that there is a future for them in their ancestral homeland. ...there was one before...but America put an end to that. This isn't the first time they "dared to hope"...the last time they betrayed their country they got killed for it as well....they are getting killed for it now..and they will get killed for it even more once you people get out..and you WILL go. They were damn fools every time to trust in your is Christianity that has brought death to EVERYONE in Iraq...Iraq under Saddam had better education and health care and job opportunities and civil law and order than America has TODAY. YOU try ruling a country where you haven't merely killed the native population or put them on reservations! You assholes have no idea of what it takes to rule the Balkans...idiots. The forces Saddam held in check will tear Iraq and the region apart which is JUST what you people want. At the same time, they are apprehensive about the short-term survival of their community, citing church reports that due to terrorist attacks targeting the ChaldoAssyrian Christian community, as many as 40,000 of them have fled in the past two months. ...maybe you noticed that the first to be targetted and targetted daily and by the minute were the Muslims of Iraq..or did that skip over you somehow? It would seem Muslims have far more reson to "dread their future" than the Christians is Muslims America is killing by the Muslim can keep up with the murder brought to Iraq by Christians. Iraq's Christians have long been a persecuted and marginalized religious and ethnic minority. In August 1933, soon after the formation of the Iraqi state, several thousand Assyrians were massacred by the army in Semele and other villages north of Mosul. ...if America is justified in making war on Iraqis for what FIFTEEN Saudis did...if America feels justified in killing over 500,000 Iraqi children UNDER the age of five..if America feels it can seek revenge against ANY Muslims JUST because he or she is a Muslim..then why couldn't Iraqis seek revenge against Christians who'd betrayed Iraq by working for hire for the British? Why should Iraqis forget that after opening their borders to allow escaping Christians from Iran to enter and start new lives in 1918...those same guests went over to the attacking and occupying British..wore their uniforms and carried their weapons to be used as a colonial police force to murder Iraqis who wanted the hated British OUT of their country? It was for this arch betrayal that revenge was sought...just how many innocent Iraqi and Afghani people are you Americans STILL killing in your effort to avenge 9/11...which was brought to you by SAUDIS??? Who are still business partners with your president? One Iraqi-American told me he came all the way from his home in California to the Washington conference in memory of his great grandmother and her mother, both of whom had been beheaded in the not-so-good old days. Over 200 Chaldean and Assyrian villages were destroyed under Baathist rule, especially during the Anfal campaign of 1987-88 when, as the Iraq-Iran war was winding down, Saddam Hussein undertook a ruthless military offensive against perceived domestic opponents in the north. In 1977, Hussein eliminated the Chaldeans and Assyrians from the census, forcing them to register as either Kurds or Arabs. Such attacks and relentless discrimination between the 1960s and the fall of Hussein regime drove a full half of Iraq's indigenous Christians into the diaspora. ...there was good hard reason for all of America too set up the Shiites to be slaughtered by Saddam and for ten or more years didn't mind his slaughtering Iranians as they were selling weapons to BOTH sides. Saddam knew what he was facing..he knew what the Bushes were after....he needed a united country to face a united many times have you told Americans..."love it or leave it"...and, "my country, right or wrong"? Whassamatter...only YOU get to be irrational and paranoid? Why don't you account for all the innocent Turks killed in the First World War..people who also did NOTHING to the Christian West but have the same oil you are killing them for again? An estimated 800,000 ChaldoAssyrians remain in Iraq and constitute the country's largest non-Muslim minority. They have found the last two months especially traumatic. ...all Iraqis have found the last fifteen YEARS traumatic! The Christians have been "lucky". On Tuesday, according to the Catholic press outlet, Fides, Islamic fanatics broke into a Chaldean Catholic home near Mosul and killed a ten-year-old boy while shouting, "We've come to exterminate you. This is the end for you Christians!" ...wasn't it the Christian Madeliene Albright who said it was an okay "policy" that was leading to an addmitted 5000 deaths a MONTH of Iraqi children....innocent children....whose parents were supposed to be so grief stricken they would rebel against Saddam? Does that strike you as kind and decent..or even logical? Over a half million innocent children were starved to death or sickened to death....a third as many children as the Christian Nazis murdered...are you preparing to commit another genocide....another Holocaust...this time against Muslims...did your last one against innocent Jews just whet your appetitie? In prior weeks, ChaldoAssyrian workers were murdered for "collaborating" with the United States. Three others were kidnapped and beheaded. Christian girls were assaulted with acid for not wearing the veil. A Chaldean Catholic priest was forced at gunpoint in his church to convert to Islam. Christian homes were targeted by mortar attacks that killed and injured children sleeping in their beds. ...and all of it brought to Iraq by America. These sorts of things never happned till the United States dismantled Iraqi security...opened jails and threw open the borders...if a Muslim coalition attacks you think Muslim Americans working FOR the Muslim attackers would be treated any less harshly? In a nation that kicks people off of airplanes for flying while dark..where Sikhs were killed because they "looked" like terrorists...and this after ONE attack...while the MidEast has been the target of Israeli American murder for generations and now has to see an addmitted ILLEGAL war brought to yet another Muslim country...with the not so secret plans to expand the war to take in Syria and you not think Muslims have shown incredible FORBEARANCE...where the white man started killing every Muslim BUT the ones responsible for his ONE attack? Of course, as the country's first democratic election approaches, the security situation for everyone throughout the country has been volatile. Many Iraqis, irrespective of religion, have been attacked and threatened by terrorists. But Iraqi Christians are being targeted for their faith. all Muslims anywhere are targeted for their's...once again..there was no justification for the war against Iraq..there were no weapons..there was no link to any terror organizations..not even our own intelligence agencies and military have been able to find one...yet that doesn't matter....Muslims are guilty and deserving of death at Christian hands JUST because they are does it feel? They worry that this may be the beginning of either a jihad by Muslim extremists or an ethnic-cleansing campaign by Kurds, with whom they live in close physical proximity, or both. is America's Jihad that brought this you people aimed your last Jihad against the Jews...barely 60 years ago when you murdered six million innocent people JUST because of their religion..and YOU are worried that you MIGHT get singled out..for your "faith"? Your faith seems to BE murder! Their fears crystallized when five of their churches were bombed during Sunday services on August 1. It was reminiscent of a similar coordinated bombing attack on synagogues in 1948 — an attack that led to the mass exodus of Iraq's Jewish community. ...this is still nothing compared with the bombing and destruction of Muslim holy sites...your shit stinks too you know...nothing about you or your country or values gives you any edge over another human..if anything you people are rapidly sinking in your own rot. Christianity in Iraq dates from the first century and the ChaldoAssyrians are the world's last remaining community to speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus. The Assyrians are an ethnic group, the Chaldeans a religious designation; both groups indigenous to the Iraq region, their presence there predating Christianity. It was their ancestors who built the tower of Babel and some people in Mosul, ancient Nineveh, continue to fast each year in repentance as the Prophet Jonah exhorted them to do. ...that is all bullshit. Christianity is NOT an is NOT indigenous to Iraq. The religion of Ashur...who is still the god of the Assyrians is the only one indigenous to that region...more Assyrians joined Islam and helped create the glorious Muslim Empire than became Christians. This has merely been a silly attempt to designate themselves as the ONLY Assyrians left in Iraq..a cheap ploy to get hold of the lands and homes of others....ALL Iraqis are descended from ALL the people of BetNahrain..there was no exclusive identity then and there isn't today...Assyrians intermarried freely and had a polyglot did every single nation in that are thinking of the Hebrews who had only ONE way...who killed each other over religious distinctions..the Assyrians welcomed and embraced every People to come along...something that drove the Jews so crazy they thought it was all "babel". ...There are no Assyrians today....and they certainly aren't ONLY or even mostly Christians. It is ridiculous to claim that a People so diversified back then have survived all these centuries in any pure form...why the same skunks who argue with scientists who claim Assyrians were all wiped out INSIST that all Babylonians and Hurrians and Amorites were WIPED OUT and only THEY remained...pure and unsullied. This is taking nonsense too far. ...The INFLUENCE of all the cultures of Betnahrain is alive and well and represented today in the Iraqi and other people...of ALL religions or none at all! Where do you get this crap from...aina? Most relevant for U.S. foreign-policy considerations, the ChaldoAssyrians form one of the most politically modern, skilled, and educated communities in Iraq today. An exodus of these Christians would substantially reduce Iraq's prospects of developing as a pluralistic and democratic society. ...Iraq will not develop along those lines..this "rebuilding" Bush envisions and has these dumb clucks buying into is merely forcing his own standards...Iraq will be forcibly rebuilt along neocon lines and it will never work. Iraq is being turned into an Auschwitz where the capos will be the government and the task at hand will be oil. Their leaving would be not only a "brain drain" but a "sane drain" as well. Without a sizeable non-Muslim minority, moderate Muslims who want to keep religion out of government — Iraq's silent majority — will encounter far greater intimidation in raising their voices against the imposition of medieval Islamic law, favored by Iranian-backed parties and clerics. are a silly person. The effort has been to CREATE terrorists...which simply means those who would fight back and defend themselves, their families and countries...if the Assyrian Freedom Fighters attacked London..would you call the English "terrorists" for defending themselves? The great Commie Hornswaggle is over and America needs a new bogeyman...that's all this has been about..and you can see it worked when the majority of the people forced to vote for Bush think he's going to "protect" them...when he endangered them in the first place and now wants to sell "protection" any cheap Mafia hood. ...Eisenhower said it might have heard of him...when he left office after leading the Allied armies to victory over the Christian Nazis...becomming the only five star general we have...and after serving two terms as a Republican president..not exactly the stuff liberal woolies are made of...he warned Americans to beware of one thing especially..and he didn't mention Communists..or rice farmers or Muslims..he warned Americans to watch out for the new Military Industrial Complex..a term he coined to cover the corporations who'd just found the easy way to make robbing our order to "protect" us..he meant that they would use the excuse of Commie "terror" to scare our money out of us...and this terror bullshit is nothing more but picking off where the Commies finally fell apart...though we'll be damn careful to take care of North Korea..just in case there is a "Terror Gap" down the road and some Republican can't think of any other lies to get into officer with. The ChaldoAssyrians are the canaries in the coal mine for the greater Middle East as well. The extent to which they are tolerated in the new Iraq is being watched closely by the Maronites of Lebanon, the Copts of Egypt, and other non-Muslim populations of the region. ..the way they betrayed their country, yet being watched even more closely. They are long as the Christian West has its eye on the oil...the local Christians will be the gateway into those countries....when one is needed..they will be the bird brains falling for every promise they hear...and doing just as they're told. Everyone needs toilet paper....but no one keeps it around afterwards. Keeping the ChaldoAssyrians secure in Iraq should be a paramount concern for the United States. One way to help them can be found in the interim constitution. The Bush administration had the foresight to insist on including article 53D in the basic law — an overlooked provision that establishes the legal basis for creating an administrative unit explicitly for the ChaldoAssyrians, which could serve as a safe haven. mean a Christian Enclave. Coming from ignorance and well steeped in stupidity you may not realize that to put Christians..they are NOT Assyrians...into a ghetto that is land-locked and surrounded on all sides by Muslims who remember too well being stripped and fucked by Christians..and not any way to protect might as well paint a bullseye on their backs...if you couldn't protect them when they huddled together in a little the hell you gonna protect them iwhen they huddle in a field somewhere? If you give them guns they'll just shoot each other...for Jesus. The community needs U.S. help to create such a district, which should encompass the traditional community villages located near Mosul, in the Nineveh Plains. They believe that thousands of their members who have fled to other countries in the Middle East over the decades but are not permanently resettled could be persuaded to return to such a secure place. ...obviously you were well fed and paid to"write" may be your name...whoever you are...but this is pure Peter Crap. The State Department should make the implementation of article 53D an urgent priority. It also must start providing directly to the ChaldoAssyrians the congressionally authorized funds needed to rebuild their destroyed villages, roads, schools, and clinics as well as to undertake start-up economic-development projects. Because State's funding practices favor Arab and Kurd groups, the ChaldoAssyrians have been shut out of U.S. reconstruction aid. ...and that should tell you something...but I'm guessing you have nothing invested in this "article"'s just a job to you. No one is going to put Christians on top of an oil one. The next few months will be critical, as the Iraqi people undertake a census, elections, and the drafting of a permanent constitution. The State Department cannot afford to be indifferent to the persecution facing the ChaldoAssyrian religious minority. Doing so risks the demise of one of Iraq's — indeed the world's — most ancient cultures, and it undercuts President Bush's goal of building a more tolerant, democratic Iraq. . ..the Christians of Iraq are nothing more than Iraqi Christians..they are NOT indigenous "Assyrians"...lord take pity on you! This foolishness of theirs...picked up by you, is nothing more than a feeble justification to demand what doesn't in any way belong to them. In fact most of the ones calling for this enclave are themselves sitting on the stolen lands of the indigenous people of are you. When one of them gives his house to an Apache for a "safe haven"...let him come asking for a part of Iraq. no time in hisotry has any land been "returned" to anyone claiming to be the rightful owner...but after 1400 YEARS??? The Seminole Tribe of the Southeast still have a treaty in their possession signed by Congress and the presdient of the United States PROMISING them the state of Florida....what do you suppose their chances are of getting "their land" back? Even WITH a deed and title and treaty? You really expect any Iraqi...especially when the Muslim majority takes over under going to HAND OVER anything to this passle of chislers and cheats? Really? Would you??? — Nina Shea is the director of Freedom House's Center for Religious Freedom. ...those two words don't belong together...religious people have no concept of's the freedom the KKK wants and the Nazis wanted....the "freedom" to rob young minds and deny human beans their OWN definitions of Freedom. You people use the secular gifts we fought hard for...and often had to fight against YOUR religions to secure...against us..and we are fools to have allowed you to do it for so more. The battle cry of the next several years will be the same as Voltaire's when he broke your back..."Erase The Infammy"! And we'll start by taking away your tax status..let's see how "religious'; you are when YOU have to pay all the people aren't are all political parties hiding your dirt behind god. --------------------- |
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