sigh..... |
Posted by
- Sunday, October 24 2004, 3:31:07 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: | want to say language skills have nothing to do with quality of want to say having a big heart makes up for a small want to give kids, especially Chicago kids, all the benefit of the doubt you can cause they might grow out of it one day or get run over...but sometimes you can't overlook the fact that a stupid post might just come from a stupid mind...regardless of ANYTHING. This is a stupid post by a stupid man who can't hide behind his "passion" any longer....why is there no passion for CLARITY of thought and expression? Why don't any of these children of Jesus have a passion for READING and UNDERSTANDING??? Why is all their passion crammed into so small a space? [ Post Response ] [ Read Prev Msg ] "CALL TO HELP OUR STRIVING AND STARVING NATION" Posted By: Ninos Younadam Youkhana <> ( Date: Saturday, 23 October 2004, at 7:04 p.m. First of all, I would like to express my own thoughts, beliefs, and most importantly feelings. And make YOU (the reader) aware of something that you, and others like you, have possibly never sat down to consider. However it is funny that a 23 yr old, like myself, can sit down and realize something very important and vital to our people and be able preach it to his own people. So that maybe they can wake up and smell the coffee. We as Children of God, are a small minority within this extravagant planet that we call Earth. We have been spread out like dust within the air we breath. Every time we take in a breath, we should realize that we all began in one place. The place of our Mother and Father. For this, we should appreciate our PEOPLE, HERITAGE, and most of all OUR MOTHERLAND, and do everything in our power to help it grow. Even if what we do helps to make it grow a(n) inch a Year, once you think about it, it all adds up at the end. I can’t promise that we’ll live to see it, but one day OUR PEOPLE will. As you may or may NOT know, the conditions in Our Motherland are diminishing day by day and so are Our People. They are not only being killed by radical persecution but, by simple health issues arising amongst themselves everyday. Everyday Our People are diagnosed with illness' and diseases (Cancer, Diabetes, Leukemia, and certain Heart Conditions) that are uncurable due to unhumane conditions. Even Hunger (malnutrition) is having a strong affect on our People. They are literally dying. This is not a joke. Once you think about it, as the people in America suffer, the people there suffer 100 times more. This is because, unlike here in the states, there are no hospitals, nor doctors, nor medicines readily available for Our dying people. Unlike Our Motherland, the United States have grants which can be awarded to hospitals. What do we have in Iraq? NOTHING. Our People expect their NATION (ME and YOU) to help them LIVE. I think its time we GAVE IT, what do you think? Simple Question? When you were growing up, do you think your family or ancestors ever asked ANYONE for help. Think about it. When I say “help”, I don't mean financially, I mean in anyway possible. You have to realize that when our elders were growing up, they needed help, and now our youngsters are growing up and they still need help. Don't you think WE should do something about this. I know the answer, its "YES". I mean it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. In the past we have counted on the British to help us, we have even counted on our Churches to help, but I’m sorry to say, that it has done very little or nothing for US. The only people that have helped Our People are certain Political and Humanitarian Organizations. I will not get into which have actually helped us and which haven’t. Because my posting is intended to wake up Our People/Nation to the needs of its People. Not cause a stir a debate. I honest can say I’m Praying that hopefully this might do some good to wake our People. So that they may answer " the call to help our striving and starving Nation". I honestly thought about writing this Letter at least 10 times before I decided to go ahead with it. But choose to because right now this is the least I can do. To be honest with you, I can't be mad about anyone donating outside OUR Struggle. But it would be much more appreciated if it were to Our OWN. Famine, Hunger, Disease, Occur all over the world, however, right now its being hit the hardest in Our Homeland, on Our Own People. If you people out there are complaining that Our People soon will have NO RIGHTS, LAND, or PROPER TITLE/ NAME/ IDENTITY, YOU ALL ARE BEING BLIND. There are more serious Matters at hand. Ask yourselves this question? What Nation (Assyrian, Chaldean, ChaldoAssyrian, or even AssyrianChaldo), is a Nation when all of there People are Dying or already Dead. I hope not OURS. Another big issue is PREJUDICE. It shouldn't matter where were from, whether its; SYRIA, IRAQ, IRAN, LEBANON, JORDAN, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, UNITED STATES OR WHEREVER THE WIND HAS BLOWN US. EVERYONE NEEDS TO CONTRIBUTE. We are trying to help OUR PEOPLE and NATION, not a COUNTRY. I myself am willing to help anyone with the need for information towards donating; time, effort, or money to Our People. ...well that's big of you....not many people would take the time out to direct others on where to spend their money. What a guy! Oh and before you leave, I have something for you to think about....................Leaders within our past; Hammurabi, Ashurbanipal, and all of Our Kings. Helped seed and plant our nation, I think its time the LITTLE PEOPLE ( ME AND YOU ) start to culture it and help it grow. What do you think? ...hell, I still can't figure out what YOU think! Ninos Younadam Youkhana Humanitarian for Life ...maybe they'll let you our for good behavior. --------------------- |
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