smelly pisheetas... |
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- Thursday, October 21 2004, 17:10:47 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
I'll just drag them over...Paul can pad his place with his head instead... Me- There is really no logical evidence that Sargon was conceived by a virgin. ..let me guess...there is PLENTY of "logical" evidence for your bibble...right? There are many more reasons to believe in the virgin birth of Jesus though. ...sure there are...if you believe any of them. As usual I would like to start with facts. Jesus was not “immaculately conceived and born to (a) virgin following the tradition of Ishtar Tammuz myth”. The first mention of a virgin birth predated the Ishtar myth. ...On Haiti they have "scholars" who can tell you all the FACTS concerning the first Rooster to have its neck wrung for God the Cock too...your "facts" are merely your fables, myths and jokes which YOU think are real.... In Genesis 3:15 we find that the word for “seed” is “zera” and means among other things “semen”. Tiglath, I want you to trust me now, I paid attention in 3rd grade health, so please trust me on this one. Women do not make “semen”. I’m begging you to believe me. If you don’t I’d ask that you check with your wife, if you even have one. OK, since no woman has “sperm” unless it is placed in her then it is impossible for this verse to come true, without divine intervention. The only way a woman would have “seed” would be if it were placed in her. We place this in our wives (some more frequently than others, now I‘m talking about you Paul, you lucky devil) but there is nothing implicit in this verse to assume that any semen in Eve was anyone other than Adam’s. Tiglath can you think of any woman who might fulfill the prophecy of this verse? ...well then Adam's children were fucking their own that divine with you people as well? A guy starts out talking about "facts" and science ands fucking and winds up telling us about Adam and Eve and how that really happened! No wonder you have to be half insane to even THINK about talking rationally with these people. Let’s see, the person must be a female. She must have seed placed in her which she can call her own; after all it says “"I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel." This “seed” of this woman will be a male (the pronoun “his” is present) and He well “bruise” Satan’s head. Anyone in history Tiglath? Anyone? Sargon? Nope. Hercules? Sorry. Confucius? Good one. Ok, this prophecy predates every single virgin birth whether Sargon, Hercules, or Confucius. As our “Guest” said “My answer to that is simply that Satan loves to counterfeit the truth with examples that look superficially the same in the quest to sow confusion or have man make the wrong choice.” ...this guy even believes in Satan...lord love you! Tiglath, you really should keep in mind how silly it is to believe in the perpetual virginity of this women (Ishtar); after all she was the goddess of sex. She loved sex and engaged in this activity outside of marriage numerous times. Exactly how would you define a whore Tiglath? It seems that Mary either remained a virgin until her death (Paul’s belief) or she remained faithful to her husband until his death (my belief). Either way, Mary was not a whore. Again, what is your definition of a whore? ...the only reason the word "whore" entered the discussion is because Paul is so desperate to slam his superiors...that's all your bibble ever was and all you people lived for, then and were envious of BetNahrain and STILL are. Paul's been desperate to slime Ashur....he can't manage it yet and this whore business was his latest attempt. Ishtar “renewed” her virginity yearly by bading in a lake while two musicians play. She’s a virgin in name only. Kind of like John Kerry claiming to be a conservative at times. He can claim anything he wants but facts are a funny thing. You can claim Ishtar is anything you want but facts are just those sticky wickets that get in the way of logic. Darn those facts. Bush is a whore who lies about his virginity all the How about a “bastard”? My understanding of the definition of the word is that this is a child born out of wedlock. Weren’t Joseph and Mary married at the time of the birth? Here is Webster’s (1913) definition “a child begotten and born out of wedlock; an illegitimate child; one born of an illicit union.” Which one of those definitions applies to Jesus? tell us how you know there even WAS a Joseph and Mary...and gibe us PROOFD and facts. It seems all this lore of yours is based on nothing more than Jew sillies...and you want to discuss history? You too believe that whatever comes down to us from "history...IS history. The books written about your bibble merely describe a ludicrous book existing IN history...that does not make it HISTORYU. But what can we expect from people who plan to live on clouds when they die? Was He begotten and born out of wedlock? Sorry. Was Jesus an illegitimate child? Sorry read Luke 2:5. They were married but Joseph had not consummated the marriage. Was Jesus born of an illicit union? Nope. Now go back and ask those same three questions with relation to Sargon. Sorry Tiglath! ...why are you so apologetic? Is this the style of argument they taught you in bibble school? Like if you say "sorry" often enough people will believe you just said something devastatingly true yet hurtful? Are you REALLY sorry? You people are unfit for serious discussion...what you give us is mere dogma....which we can get from any cannibal or Hottentot...where's the point? We got this far because we played along with Paul...I agree there is no need to sink this low. Whatever you fanatsies they are YOURS...they were rejected outright by the majority of Jews in their day...and they are still rejected by the majority of the people on this found some converts under rocks who would have converted to any number of things....and for the rest of them you had to murder them into Jesus. All of this is isn't imagined or're at it again in Iraq...murdering and starving people then appearing with food baskets from Jesus....we know you people well. This all began when we said the ancient Assyrians were superior in every way to you ancient EVERY way...that you stole what was good in you from us..and got it WRONG...we added WRONG. Of course you changed our stories to suit your own weak headedness...had you been upright people you wouldn't have STOLEN in the first place...being what you were you naturally had to rewrite in order to make us conform to YOU...something you're STILL trying to do. What Assyrians believed about themselves isn't as important as what their belief led them to ACHIEVE. If you BELIEVE you are an Olympic diver but smash your head on the deck thirty feet away from the aren't much of a FACT. You Jews have been smashing your heads left and right throughout can believe all you want to that you are CHOSEN...but Facts seem to indicate you were tossed out. What you achieved was through theft and murder...left to your own you hardly made a presence in the East...and with murder to light your managed a whole lot of it in the West. In short, you don't inspire anyone where you don't threaten to kill them...not in any significant numbers. In the West you stole enough to achieve some the east you haven't a pot to piss in. Assyrians on the famous other hand don't NEED to go on and on about Ashur...what he inspired in his followers is clear rings and shines and sings in what small fragments remain in museums around the world and scares you silly. Go to Tel Aviv and look for a museum...see if you can tell the exhibits from the contents of the dumpster outside. There is a REASON for that..and that has everything to do with the kind of religion we had verses the slaughter house mentality you still display. Our gods told us to create love and peace and harmony within our families HERE on earth. Hearing that, we went out and DID IT better than anyone else ever managed to...and so much so that the crumbs from our table to this day are about all the meal you EVER had...besides bugs and honey. Knowing you could never compete and not being put together with any great care, you decided you'd bild your Nineveh AFTER you died....and your net worth here on earth shows that to have been your best chance. Since you'll all rot anyway, no one will ever come to say, "well what do you know,,,them Jews FINALLY built a toilet"!!! I would offer this piece of advice. If all you want to do is insult and not engage in serious debate move to Boston, hold another Democratic Convention, and take the platform. However, if you are interested in legitimate answers to these, ages old, questions then change your attitude and engage us in discussion not arguments. ...what sort of discussion is it when you merely repeat your own nonsense in place of FACTS? Your sillies aren't proof of anything but your sillies. There can be no discussion on these either believe them or you don't. That Assyrians were far superior and that the inferior learns from or steals from the superior is common knowledge..not "faith". You people had and have nothing. of your OWN, to offer the world....we Assyrians obviously did. There isn't an invention you people invented that the world uses for any good....but the paper you use, the writing you use, the medicine, lamps, wheels, pulleys and almost everything else came from BetNahrain....this dribble of yours came from Israel...what is there to discuss? This is scholarship? This is what Paul told us to fear? YOU are going to wipe us up? Who wants to argue your faith with you? If I ask how you know Armenia was converted peacefully and completely to Judaism, you'll bring up the "facts" of St Gregory...lord love you! --------------------- |
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