The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> sucking on a cold beer right now...

sucking on a cold beer right now...
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Monday, June 6 2005, 4:27:04 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: the sun melted the struck me what the value is of the Assyrian Heritage in the modern era...something I`ve been asking myself for years now.

It came to the bubbles tickled down my throat..the value in it is that it provides the thread to guide me out of the Labyrinth I find myself in...this maddening maze of claims and counter claims..of wars and massacrees and hate and death to traitors and selling out those you "love"..all this madness that has every chance of getting even more bloody and insane.

Trying to figure out what it REALLY means to have this distant heritage and all the twists and turns it has taken has, by the process of following it through logically and with some calm reason, exposed many lies I took for granted..things that have smothered and crippled the we can see in the cripples limping about looking for their triangles. If there is ONE thing that is evident it is that these boys are not any kind of Assyrians except maybe the most degenerate..the ones who, when the enemy was at the gates said, "who me..I`m not Assyrian"...and so "survived".

The Heritage is a lifeline...a searching light for those who would understand where this Heritage has come to...for if you follow it back openly and honestly, it will indeed show you the way out..or, like some can stop at a place called Jesus and wallow there in "love" and ask why trees must grow up and not sideways.


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