tee hee |
Posted by
- Tuesday, June 21 2005, 7:27:12 (CEST) from - 24-205-227-160.ata-cres.charterpipeline.net ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
..what is a LOOSER? The minute you say anything critical you HATE everybody. I guess HL Mencken, DH Lawrence, Mark Twain, Will Rogers, Abraham Lincoln all HATED the earth. "Critical" means to CRITIQUE...to examine closely...the boys are all crybabies who as children were regularly hurt when "criticized"..to them the word means to be SCOLDED and then spanked. The most hateful person there ever was is the very yahwe the boys fawn all over. What the boys neglect to say is that IF the Reader gives his name and IF he posts on "issues"...they will very quickly ban him AND call his mother a whore. We have the only forum that IS a forum...and while I'll tolerate their calling my mother names, I promise not to do the same to them if, as they say, they would be willing to REALLY discuss issues and not run for cover as soon as they're out of their depth...which takes about a second to plumb. They themselves say much worse things about each other than the Reader has said about them...and how far does a guy have to go to prove he isn't a "follower"? "Follow" WHAT? What program or pubic patch do we advocate? What Diclarations do we dick around with? Our "agenda" is to have a place where ANYTHING can be said....and except for cases when gratuitous vulgarity has been dished out anonymously just for the sake of doing it, we haven't deleted anyone and we certainly don't ban anyone...freedom of expression is the "agenda" over here...WHAT is expressed depends on the person doing it...but there is no attempt to control or trim or tailor the content or direction...that has been made abundantly clear...we have the Assyrian self-banning system in place...the boys KNOW where they don't belong. It's just a real shock to these Christians to be confronted by Assyrians...they never saw any before. --------------------- |
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