the message of Jesus... |
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- Thursday, June 23 2005, 8:31:27 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
..there is none apparently. I 've asked and asked and no Christian dares give it...which means they either don't know or are afraid of "ridicule". I guess they didn't take too much after their dear Lord...whose example hardly indicated a fear of ridicule. ...I enjoy discussing the belief system of BetNahrain...not so much the fables about who made what but rather the sublime genius and humanity contained in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Search all you want to and tie yourself in knots trying to make it fit...but there was never any hint, even, of a Messiah among the Assyrians...there was no precedent for one...never any call for one and never any need of one. The idea is totally foreign to their culture...such a concept would have been shameful to them...but it suited the Hebrews perfectly...and that's all the boys are...descendants of the early JEW converts. ..I sure as shit ain't afraid of RIDICULE when I discuss my Lord Ashur...why are the boys so shy? Where is the SHTRENGTH they talk so much about? Apparently Jesus didn't give them anough of that article to allow them to walk outside...while Ashur inspires me to tackle them all, with both hands tied behind my back...and a foot...draging them out into the open. The boys tried saying Jesus introduced kindness and love and gentleness...which pissed some of the other boys off who, at least, had the good sense to ask if these things weren't already in the world and especially in we ended it there. The self-sacrifice business is hardly unique to Jesus or Christians and is a fraud anyway...Lots and lots of examples abound in the Pagan world of selflessness and even self-sacrifice for the sake of others...but Jesus wasn't sacrificing anything anyway...he was a god, remember? He knew he wasn't going to die...that he'd get up and fly away all clean and well pressed after a mere three days of where's the sacrifice? The whole thing was pretend..."symbollic" if you prefer. isn't self-sacrifice and it isn't about inventing love or kindness...then what is it? Whatever it was, it appealed to the bloodiest people at the time, the craziest people in the far as their leadership went...the Romans. They were well versed in insane gods and men becomming gods in their own lifetime...but it was the meekness and enduring part they liked, for the people I mean. Nothing damns Christianity more than that Roman emperors, already GODS on earth, embraced it. As for the boys, we already settled their hash...their ancestors scurried out of Judea when the Romans threw them all out for not taking Jesus' advice and turning their cheeks round and round...that's all Jesus was really trying to do...warn his people to find a way to transcend the unpleasant realities of being subjugated to Rome...of stoically enduring all the outrages they and their religion were subjected to...they didn't listen and rebelled one too many times...they fled Judea when the Romans cleaned them out in 70 AD and settled among the tolerant and wiser Pagans who were willing and able to accpet any number of weirdo gods...even yahwe and Jesus with his "disappearing whip marks" act. But at NO time did this silly religion of cannibalism and human sacrifice and play-acting gods EVER impress any but a few misfits and degenerates who are always with us too, just like the poor. There WERE no "millions upon millions" of Christians magically wiped out by Muslims...those "massacres" were of Roman Christian SOLDIERS...fer Pete's sake! The "true" Christianity of the boys is a mindless, pettifogging, brawling, squabbling bunch of lunatics all with their head coach and cheeering any football league with drunken, zealous fans who beat each other and curse each other, making a nuisance of themselves wherever their team happens to be playing a match. My arse... --------------------- |
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