the revolving door at beth... |
Posted by
- Sunday, July 10 2005, 1:26:54 (CEST) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...just swung around again to let Shushan in. She'll catch it again on the way out. The rest of them post...or not...waiting a few days between posts. Old Shush posts every ten minutes or less, yet she declares EVERY time that it's her last. Just take a breath...get a drink of water and write again. No need to ANNOUNCE each time how hurt you are etc. Stow it. ...Bless her...she's become dizzy from so much's a paragraph... Why would any Assyrian want to claim Germans are Assyrians? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Shushan on 09 Jul 2005 17:52:34: On another forum a woman is claiming that Germans are descendent from Assyrians. I decided to do some internet research on these claims and I won't post the links since they are all antiAssyrian! ...good. Keep your eyes tightly shut and those others will go away. I know this woman is proAssyrian and it is just misguided zeal to give Assyrians a wider scope of historical influence, but it only makes ALL claims, even those real ones of their mesopotamian history, sound foolish like astrology or alien theories etc.. the notion Assyrians woke up one morning and decided they needed a Messiah...when it has the hapless Hebrews, enslaved under the Roman yoke and unable to fight their way anywhere who came up with the mean THAT kind of "foolish" claim? And... these sites are making the association to further vilify the name and people of Assyrian... people do more to dishonor the name of Assyria than any "enemies" you think you have. what I don't understand is Why would Assyrians want to associate Assyrian history with what GERMAN EUROPEANS did to Jews, ...why do you people pray to a god who advoctaes dashing the brains of Assyrian babies against rocks? and don't you realize that the people trying to make those links are doing it to associate Assyrians with evil and even the antichrist as many of the sites I found supporting this woman's theory that Assyrians come from Germans. ...look, we all make mistakes...but do you think you could review your garbage sometimes? Who, besides you, said the Assyrians CAME FROM the Germans? ...the rest is way too smarmy for this site...the goo would just drip all over our expensive interior. --------------------- |
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