tsk tsk |
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- Friday, June 3 2005, 23:35:46 (CEST) from - dsl-201-135-96-40.prod-infinitum.com.mx ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
..the binds boys get themselves into...several grairs are just itching to lambaste yoors trooli for the "offensive" and "insensitive" comments made at the time of the "passing" of Hajjar Sr...and I DO wish they`d find a better term than "passing"...which sounds like nothing more than a slider... Anyway, they`d love to comment on my enemy and traitor self...except they can`t. Each grair is waiting for the other grair to do it first...cause grairs don`t read here...tee hee ..and what is it with all these vaginas and turds on beth...on THIS day of all days...I mean you KNOW we`re savages but BETH? And on the day Mr Hajjar Sr "passed". What`s come over the boys and their nanny? Are they taking advantage of his grief to honor him this way...shit AND cunts??? --------------------- |
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