who asks for freedom... |
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- Friday, October 22 2004, 8:45:05 (CEST) from - adsl-64-165-200-217.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...let them give it. It just struck me how the KKK and all churches take advantage of our system of government, a system that was put in place over the violent protests of those very groups...the KKK never wanted "freedom",,,except for them to be free to rob other people of their's. The churches...ALL of them...are cut from the same cloth. They have no business addressing "Freedom" as an issue...especially not demanding their "freedom". These are people who ROB other's of Freedom...they do not allow freedom within their own organizations and you know damn well that if they EVER get their hands on government....we're going to lose the very Freedoms that ALLOWED them to rob us of OUR freedom. Those who would extend real freedom to ALL...are the real children of Ashur. They are the ones who wouldn't dare to even think of denying another his or her freedom because they didn't "like" what they believed. You can see that at work on the only Assyrian forum around where we take in every loon and thug because we honor Freedom as a PRINCIPLE. From way before Hammurabi, BetNahrain has been slowly expanding definitions of Law and Justice. Sure, "an eye for an eye" is a bit rough..until you consider what an improvement it was over a hand, foot, ear, tongue AND an eye, for an eye. But we changed that too...we went on to introduce the concept of Mercy...we made forgiveness a sublime part of culture...yet today we are faulted for not having done it ALL! No religious group has any business demanding freedom...they themselves have a notorious history of choking it every chance they got..they simply mean they want the freedom to TAKE AWAY the freedom of Queers, Tranvestites and anyone else who doesn't suit their fancy. We have LAWS..and those laws are not MORALS. We do not pass "moral" judgement on a Queer OR a thief....we do however expect them both to obey our laws and in our wisdom and humanity we decided to stop persecuting people because Jews don't like them...however we WILL prosecute the one who steals....for way before it was a Jew "comandment"..it was the Law in Betnahrain! The same goes for abortion...we have evolved to the point where we understand that back alley abortions kill women...the fetus gets it no matter what. Allowing women to opt for safer abortions meant saving hundreds of lives...Lives the church would rather see put in jeopardy again...because women DARED to free their vaginas from church Fathers and Motherfuckers. Let men reign in their cocks...let male dominated legislatures vote a living wage and benefits and health care to women..and let them FRY all men who get women pregnant and then abandon them..let the MEN do all that before they throw stones at the women they use to satisfy their lust and then wish to see dead when it comes back to bite them. There isn't a goddamned thing any Church has been able to do to stop men, including their own priests, from fucking women..not a thing..and they haven't even seriously tried. But, true to form...they want to punish the woman...just as they do when she REFUSES to be fucked by them....that's what all these tears over a fetus really are...the church demands the "freedom" to shackle women to their lust again..to their dominance and rules....well fuck THEM! We are never going back. The Church disguises their hatred of women and desire to see them pay the ultimate price for DARING to rule their own bodies behind a wall of tears shed for a fetus....while the same louts call for even more war against living children. It's over. Nazis demanded fredom for themselves as well.... --------------------- |
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