who starts the horrors... |
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- Saturday, October 23 2004, 15:58:44 (CEST) from - adsl-64-166-22-93.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...the horros in Iraq....the horror in Palestine...these were brought to the fore by the attackers. Palestinians on their own would never have become suicide bombers..neither would Iraqis be cutting heads off of people...we all have it in us to do horrible things...look at the murder of 500,000 Iraqi children. Simply because America set it up in such a way that they removed any obvious or direct links to them...doesn't mean the people who suddenly witnessed an unheard of rise in the number of their infants dying didn't know who was responsible. If you treat people like their children and lovers and parents count for shit....you will teach them how to view you and your's. Americans know this. The current state of the Media in this country didn't just happen. For years watchdog groups had warned of a steady decline in enforcement by federal communications groups as well as subtle changes in the laws governing media access and fairness and ownership...I swear sometimes I think the Repubs are behind Rap and Hiphop and tatoo parlors...anything and everything that can keep young people distracted and their parents too busy fussing and fuming to bother about minor changes in government policy or who gets placed in charge of which committee in Washington. What goes out on airwaves doesn't reflect the majority view in this country..that's why Bush had to cheat and then lie so often....we wouldn't have gone this course had we known anything near to the truth. We have our own resident liar here posting the kinds of things they got away with for so long...these "releases" are fake as well...they're made to look like the real thing...sound like the real thing...with quotes and all the little details meant to fool the unwary...but they're fake. They're still putting out "proof" that Moore lied...still claiming they have evidence that blows the film sky high..and the more you ask why then no one sued him..the more bogus "releases" they come up with...figuring, I guess, that you'll just conclude that someone DID sue him and these "facts" are well established. It takes people a while sometimes to notice the wool has been pulled over their eyes..it takes time because mostly the wool HAS been pulled over their eyes. The ongoing fraud and cheating that the repubs are getting caught at is more of an indication that they know they didn't win for real the last time...and they're sweating it this time...so much so that they'll use any lie at all to get past the immediate crisis they find themselves in. Bush did his job well...he ruined any surplus...paid off his pals...and created enough "terrorists" to give the repubs a shot at us the next time we have a surplus worth "protecting". Problem is, as usual, Kerry and the Dems will bring prosperity with them...the deficit will shrink as we pay off the same crooks who loan our stolen money back to us...and the Treasury will grow fat again...and in four years or more it won't be that difficult to find "terrorists" to attack us all over again...especially now that we told Israel to make attack noises against Iran!!! This is the reason Israel gets so much of our money..in the guise of "helping" poor Jews...Jews Americans hate as much as they ever did...the United Corporations are assured of an attack dog who has no choice but do as we say...with the added benefit that we can wring our hands in despair and say the equivalent of..."those Jews...you know how THEY are"! Which is just another version of the stereotypes we STILL hold about them...it's a great scam..we use them to do our dirt and THEY catch hell for it while we appear to be the benevolent ones. Israel will supply us with all the terrorists the Repubs will need when it gets profitable to save us once more...the Mafia had no interest in selling protection to a shoeshine boy..they wanted the successful restaurants and factories....Where's the point in rifling an empty Treasury? Sure, you can borrow....but that only lasts so long...sooner or later the flip side of the Billionaire's Club that rules this country through it's two Tweedledumbs willl have to take over and put people back to work...it's like tag team wrastling...you don't want to exhaust yourself OR your oponent...no one is going to buy tickets if your oponent is beaten into mash. They don't want us dead...just weak enough to be grateful for ANYTHING they toss our way...but since the whole thing is based on paper anyway...and since they control the paper pressess...there is no "economy" to speak of....it's a board game..like Monopoly...it's a rigged system...but who has the time or energy to confront it? Once...in the 60s, it took little to live on...people could afford to hop freights and visit workers in other cities...colleges had places for itinerant students to crash...there was time to organize...to share ideas...to gather together...sort of like the Wobblies and other labor movement organizers much earlier...but now husband and wife both have to work...real wages are depressed to the point that no one can miss a week of work or their "envious" lifestyle hits bottom...these aren't "market forces" at work...there IS no market in that sense...it's all a matter of manipulation with less and less left to chance...and the whole thing is held together by disinformation...of the kind we're getting a surplus of on this forum. There's no way around it..a democracy is only as good as the education it provides it's citizens and what we're getting is the fake thing...not just in these "articles" our resident jerk is posting but in schools especially. Schools have totally abdicated...they flicked educating anyone over long ago...today it's make-work with a vengeance...education isn't measured in anything real because it would be apparent how it really sucks..instead of assessing if anyone can think critically...WHAT?...or write coherently...we might as well measure the stoop in their backs on graduation and figure the student most bent over from lugging books around for four years must be the brightest. And to really put the seal of idiocy on us the deplorable state we GOT our schools into will now be used to convince us that the poor dears need "private" education..if you love your children..and that will open the gates of hell because what the movement for privitization really wants is to see millions of garage madrassahs where religion can be taught so we'll have troops and troops of brain dead but ever so PRAYERFUL citizens one day...an army of unthinking robots wishing you a nice day and praise the Lord AND pass the ammunition. No one is going to monitor those schools..it will be "interference" in State's Rights...no one but the Lord will be needed anyway...who better to oversee schools than that old fart anyway? With Kerry's win we merely keep the whole shebang in motion longer...in that sense it was a blessing in disguise that Hoover won and went on to make things intolerable...Kerry will make them tolerable..he'll drag out the inevitable reckoning that has to come one day...America, as it's constituted now...with this one party we've gotten ourselves into by refusing to keep money completely OUT of politics..which we could do...is one sick puppy...whether a zillion buys it or only three billion...so long as our government is for sale to the highest bidder it doesn't represent US. We're just offred a different sort of Zillionaire with Kerry...but the direction and driving force remains the same. Vote for Bush and send America to hell faster...it's our only hope. --------------------- |
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