David Malick |
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- Friday, November 18 2005, 17:56:04 (CET) from - h-67-103-122-56.snfccasy.covad.net ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...during our own diaspora, when we were sent howling in the wilderness left by our momentary departure, I read a fascinating post at aina by this fellow Malick. I say fascinating because it revealed something most interesting. Someone said once that a good Christian education prepared one to deal with any crisis of the 13th century. I add to this the idea that there can be no such thing as a Christian "intellectual"...for the two can't exist together..you can't be any kind of intellectual if you accept wildly implausible fables of 2000 years ago at face value...seems to me that sort of makes you unfit for anything intellectual at all...but what you CAN be is a very convincing SOUNDING babbling idiot...such is David Malick. He knows all the religious tidbits that so stirred the human mind in bondage to the Church centuries ago...and he uses fine language and sharp skills in explaining them STILL. But it's all foolishness...albeit well dressed. His language skills are very good...but that only made it all the more clear to me that severe damage had been done to everything else in him. As I read his careful and well reasoned explanation of what amounted to: "How many angels can dance at the head of a pin"...I couldn't but help thinking that he would have sounded as eloquent and "reasoned" had he been explaining the finer points of Voodooism as practised on Haiti. His careful doctrinal explications of Christian fine points could as easily have been used to exlain why only white roosters born during the full moon were acceptable as sacrifices to Mugwhump...and how twisting their neck off from right to left, rather than the other way, was the only true form of worship...and you can take it form there. These verbal tricks and somersults and attempts to appear rational, such as presented in the bizarre new "Intelligent Design", are belied by the very underpinnings of all religions: that they are ALL based on hearsay, on things no one can ever prove. To call intelligent design a "theory" is to play fast and loose with words...which is what all these slimey people do. A theory isn't just YOUR idea or AN idea about something. It has to have something TESTABLE and then PROVEABLE at its core. It has to present a proposition...and then suggest steps by which you can TEST it. Intelligent design isn't a "theory" and therefore worthy to be studied with other scientific theories..it is a FAITH...as Darwinism is NOT. Many hard-core parts of his theories have been discarded...they have bbeen discarded not because people "lost faith" in Darwin, but because subsequent analysis and observation have forced alterations...while other parts remain true yet. Darwin never said there was no god. He said the bible's idea of Creation was religious teaching...not scientific exploration. "Science" is as godly as religious claptrap is...both come from the human mind and BOTH are placed in us by a "god", if you must. But, the two are separate and should remain so...and to that effect it's good to note that the town in Pennsylvania, that first toyed with this naked religious tenet, dressed in scientific pants, has voted to throw out all the school board members who first thought of the goofy idea of teaching Creationism in a science class. This of course makes GS howl that he is being discriminated against. These religious folk are not content to take the tax breaks the rest of us make up for them and preach WHATEVER they want in their churches and homes and on the streets...so long as they stay out of our face, our homes, bedrooms and publicly funded schools and administrative buildings and offices..in other words, they are EVANGELICAL..which means their faith isn't good enough for them alone, but they must FORCE the rest of us to at least HEAR it..whether we will or no. Let my people go. --------------------- |
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