Re: We're back |
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- Friday, November 18 2005, 17:03:43 (CET) from - ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
Tiglath wrote: >Don't say you didn't miss us. > >:-) ...I never realized what a wasteland it is out there till all there was of "Assyria" were the same friggin Christians sects who've been arguing over Mary and how many natures Jesus had and who is older and closer or farther from Rome...since back before the Muslims came to betNahrain and told them all to be-HAVE! And they're STILL at it!!! ...turns out we had to pay in shekels, not dinars or dollars and the server wasn't in shoe shop in Dubai but the clothing store next to the cobbler. We toyed with the idea of coming back to the United States but the thought of Shushan and her gyrating pussy and ever-ready anus plus Jackie with HER body parts and the availability of of slimeballs lawyer boy-toys, like Shawn "Sue Me" Leuthold, made us reconsider. And special thanks to a certain fella who worked overtime to deal with international time zones and a sloppy work ethic in Dubai to get us back. It was THEIR fuck-up in the first place that shut us down...but will THEY admit it??? --------------------- |
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