holy shit!!! |
Posted by
- Saturday, December 10 2005, 4:58:54 (CET) from - pool-71-116-103-54.snfcca.dsl-w.verizon.net ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Website title: |
...how eloquent and to the point. God-people will excuse all this because it is done in GOD'S name. We have seen throughout their history the ability to commit the most unspeakable crimes and keep on praying for 'forgiveness". It is a religion born in murder...and it hasn't stopped yet. There can be no understanding the Muslim fury in the world today without confronting Christian hatred...not Israeli crimes, not at first...but the crimes of Christians who tortured and slaughtered these most innocent people...and for what? because they "killed" ONE MAN...two thousand years ago! All their vile acts stem from that bit of Christian teaching...naturally they are eager to blame anyone else..Muslims, Martians, pagans...but not even the Pagan Romans killed Christians like they did when they BECAME Christians themselves. The manipulation and buying and ordering about of the Israelis...who were driven to Palestine by Christian bloodlust, is the key to understanding Muslim fury...Jews had their greatest friends and allies among Muslims all those long torturous centuries the Christians were brutalizing them...in a tremendous act of cynnical brutalism, Christians have turned attention away from their own crimes to blaming Muslims...they have almost forced Israel, a dependent client state, to be the responsible party for all the Jew-hatred out there still among Christians. Christians have PUT Israelis where they are today, forcing and encouraging and them ordering them to attack Muslims FOR THEM...making sure JEWS catch the world's anger and spare the p[eople of "Love"..it is Christians who HATE Jews, not Muslims. Muslims would dislike ANYBODY who did to them what Jews have been used to do...the next phase, after the crematoria, of the Christian FINAL SOLUTION and CHRISTIAN HOLOCAUST. They hope no one will dare criticize Israel for fear of being labelled "anti-semitic". It's worked marvelously well for decades...but no more. Israelis have not been anywhere near as brutal and bloody as Christians..neither have Muslims.. We are opposed to INJUSTICE...whether Christians do it to Jews or Jews do it to Muslims...Muslims have been demonized simply for defending their families and homes and nations...is this attack on Iraq REALLY any different than 700 years of Crusader attacks? For centuries...for 1,500 years Christianity has preached hatred of the Jews...from schools, from the pulpit, from the cathedral....until they finally found their man...and NOW they want to tell us it was Islam that influenced Hitler! These people simply cannot take responsibility for anything. The truth is the West does NOT want peace in the Mideast and never has...that simple. --------------------- |
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